  • Nobelpreisurkunde W.C. Röntgens
  • Ordensband W.C. Röntgens
Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Einträge 61-65

Laurence Eaves - University of Nottingham, UK

Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013 11:09 Uhr

I was one of the fortunate generation of PhD students and postdocs who Professor Gottfried Landwehr helped and encouraged to make a career in semiconductor physics. I attended the first of his High Magnetic Field conferences in Wuerzburg in 1972. His generosity, kindness, support and his interest in the work and ideas of the young participants were inspirational. I am one of many physicists who he supported in that difficult transition from postdoc to independent researcher. Gottfried Landwehr was a great and generous man, and a fine physicist whose legacies are the generation of scientists that he inspired and the world-class physics department that he helped create in Wuerzburg. My thoughts are with Mrs. Landwehr, the family and many friends at this sad time.

Ernst Göbel

Montag, 11. Februar 2013 09:26 Uhr

Dankbar verneige ich mich mit meinen Kollegen der PTB vor dem beeindruckenden Lebenswerk von Gottfried Landwehr. Wir trauern um einen unermüdlichen Förderer und hoch geschätzten wissenschaftlichen Ratgeber. Unser Mitgefühl gilt seiner Familie.

Markus Ehinger - Weinheim

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013 21:03 Uhr

Prof. Landwehr hat über viele Jahre mein Bild des idealen Forschers geprägt.
Sein vertrauensvoller Führungsstil und die Freiheit, die er seinen Doktoranden gegeben hat, hat diesen besondere Leistungen ermöglicht. Sein Vorbild hat mich bisher geleitet und wird es weiterhin tun. Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich ihn kennenlernen durfte.

Don Heiman - Northeastern University

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013 19:33 Uhr

The news of Gottfried Landwehr passing left me with much sadness, but made me reflect on many fond memories. My first encounter was at the Grenoble Lab, where I was surprised of his honesty when he talked about the joys of unplanned or accidental serendipitous discovery. At a later High-field conference I was again surprised that a man of such great stature treated everyone with highest respect regardless of their age or scientific stature. Then working with him in 1994 on the “Landwehr” conference presented me with a window into his immeasurable generosity. It was the greatest pleasure to interact with Gottfried, an intellectual giant and leader of science, but also a man of great humility and kindness.

Gerhard Schaack

Samstag, 09. Februar 2013 19:19 Uhr

Die beeindruckende Länge der Kondolenzliste und die emotionale Betroffenheit, die aus vielen Beiträgen spricht, zeigen die Schwere unseres Verlustes. Gottfried Landwehr hat der Würzburger Fakultät international Gewicht und Glanz verschafft.