  • Nobelpreisurkunde W.C. Röntgens
  • Ordensband W.C. Röntgens
Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Einträge 41-45

Jean-Claude Portal - Grenoble

Montag, 25. Februar 2013 20:57 Uhr

Jean-Claude Portal from Grenoble 

I was shocked by this very sad news .
Last time ,I saw Gottfried in August 2010 at the Conference on semiconductor physics in High Magnetic Field in Fukuoka . He was at the center of the first row of this conference photo ,as the father of a very exciting conference series initiated by him at Wuerzburg in 1972 and with us ,our large family of the international scientific community working from half century with magnetic field facilities.
I met him first time in Wuerzburg in 1972 .During more than 40 years ,I have appreciated with the greatest pleasure to interact fruitful with Gottfried ,an insightful and great scientific ,an intellectual giant ,an leader of science and a great conference organizer but also a wonderful human being person of great humility and kindness .
In our Grenoble High Magnetic Field Lab. (GHMFL ) ,an French-German joint laboratories between CNRS and MPI ,Gottfried was the MPI Director during many years and up to 1985 ,after he come back to Wuerzburg university .
In our memory ,we are very lucky to remember his interest in the work and news ideas,scientific creativity,enthusiasm and the fruitful collaboration between the both French –German institutions for to develop and to support the first hybrid magnet able to product the world record of dc- magnetic field in 1987 (of 31.3 T )

It is a very big loss for all international scientific community 

My thoughts and deepest condoleances to Gottfried’s family and all his friends and colleagues at this sad time of the life . 

Jean- Claude Portal 


Rainer Baunach - Würzburg

Montag, 25. Februar 2013 15:29 Uhr

Als ehemaliger EPIII-Mitarbeiter hat mich die Nachricht vom Tod meines Doktorvaters mit großer Trauer erfüllt. In seiner Zielstrebigkeit und Tatkraft war er mir zusammen mit seinen menschlichen Qualitäten immer ein Vorbild gewesen. Ein großer Verlust - nicht nur für die Physikergemeinde! Ich hoffe, dass es der Uni Würzburg bzw. der Fakultät gelingen wird, ihm in ähnlicher Weise wie Herrn Prof. Max Scheer, den ich ebenfalls sehr geschätzt habe, ein entsprechendes Andenken zu bewahren. 
Mein Mitgefühl gilt insbesondere auch seinen Familienangehörigen.

Ursula und Rainer Silbermann - Maulburg

Freitag, 22. Februar 2013 17:16 Uhr

Nach der Einrichtung der Festkörperphysik 1968 in Würzburg hat Gottfried Landwehr über ein Jahrzehnt lang mich bei meiner Diplom- und anschließenden Doktorarbeit in seiner Arbeitsgruppe begleitet und gefördert. Dabei durfte ich neben einem herausragenden Physiker einen wunderbaren Menschen kennen lernen, der persönliche Kontakt ist in den vielen Folgejahren nie abgerissen.

Ich verneige mich in Respekt und Dank vor ihm und seinem Andenken.

Meine Frau und ich trauern um Gottfried Landwehr, unser Mitgefühl und unsere Anteilnahme gelten seiner Familie.

Ursula und Rainer Silbermann aus Maulburg

Jörg Hacker - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina

Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013 15:55 Uhr

Während meiner Zeit in Würzburg war ich Gottfried Landwehr über eine lange Zeit verbunden und sein Tod hat mich bestürzt. Ich schätze ihn als Menschen und als Wissenschaftler und werde unsere Zusammenarbeit stets in guter Erinnerung behalten. Den Angehörigen übermittle ich mein tiefes Mitgefühl.

Carl Pidgeon - Heriot-Watt University

Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2013 19:07 Uhr

I was shocked to hear of the passing away of Gottfried Landwehr because the last time I saw him - a few years ago in Vienna - he was just as bright and active as he had been when I first met him in the late 1960s at the Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory at MIT; in the latter case he was a regular visitor in the course of magneto-optical experiments being performed by some of his group. We have met at regular intervals at the Semiconductor Conferences, and in particular at the always memorable and hugely enjoyable conferences on high magnetic fields initiated by him at Wuerzburg, including one (as mentioned by Wlodek Zawadzki) attended by the Nobel Prize physicists Leo Esaki, Klaus von Klitzing and Bob Laughlin; a vital part of the latter was always the wine tasting evenings, 'teaching us that physics is more than experiments and formulae'(on one similar occasion a large group of us were dancing on the tables at the end). He played a key part in rescuing the Narrow Gap Conference series when it was a satellite conference to the main ICPS in the late 1990s, and perilously close to extinction (indeed a letter came round saying that due to lack of abstracts submitted it was going to be closed down). Gottfried said to me that in his opinion 'this thing was being run by children', and that he was going to turn it around! And he certainly did - the sponsorship and abstracts came pouring in, the NGS conference was one of the best in what has resumed as a healthy series of meetings. This is just an example of how Gottfried always made things happen.

The news has made me very sad, and I will miss him greatly.