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Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Mathematical Physics

Consecutive Master's Programme (M.Sc.)

At a glace

Study Programme

Target degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Standard lenghts of programme: 4 Semester
Teaching language: German
Start of study:

for the summer and winter semester


Restricted Admission: restricted admission        
Aptitude Assessment: Suitability Procedure        

Studying in Würzburg

Programme Content

In contrast to other mathematics degree programmes, the consecutive Bachelor's/Master's degree programme in Mathematical Physics focuses primarily on the interplay between the two key sciences of mathematics and physics. The two are inextricably linked: Mathematics is the universal language of physics and provides efficient methods for dealing with physical and technical issues. Physics, in turn, is one of the most important driving forces behind the development of new mathematical theories and is one of the main areas of application for mathematics.

The "Master of Science" programme prepares students for scientific activities in the field of mathematical physics and the "Master of Science" degree prepares students for a doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.).

Learning Objectives

The aim of the programme is to provide students with in-depth knowledge and insight into the internal interrelationships of various sub-areas of mathematics, physics and mathematical physics as well as insight into interdisciplinary relationships, the mathematical and theoretical foundations of mathematical physics and interdisciplinary contexts as well as a sound knowledge of the mathematical, theoretical and experimental methods for gaining new insights including the necessary capacity for abstraction, analytical thinking, a high level of problem-solving competence and the ability to structure complex interrelationships, so that they can work as responsible mathematical physicists in interdisciplinary and international teams of (natural) scientists in research, industry and the economy.



Study Structure and Organisation

Module Groups Abbreviation ECTS-Points
Mandatory Courses 20
Analysis and Geometry of Classical Systems 10-M=MP1 10
Algebra and Dynamics of Quantum Systems 10-M=MP2 10

Module Groups Abbreviation ECTS-Points
Electives Field 50
Mathematics mind. 8
Applied Analysis 10-M=AAAN 10
Topics in Algebra 10-M=AALG 10
Differential Geometry 10-M=ADGM 10
Complex Analysis 10-M=AFTH 10
Geometric Structures 10-M=AGMS 10
Industrial Statistics 1 10-M=AIST 10
Lie Theory 10-M=ALTH 10
Numeric of Large Systems of Equations 10-M=ANGG 10
Basics in Optimization 10-M=AOPT 10
Control Theory 10-M=ARTH 10
Stochastic Models of Risk Management 10-M=ASMR 10
Stochastical Processes 10-M=ASTP 10
Topology 10-M=ATOP 10
Time Series Analysis 10-M=AZRA 10
Number Theory 10-M=AZTH 10
Giovanni Prodi Lecture (Master) 10-M=AGPCin 5
Algebraic Topology 10-M=VATP 10
Geometrical Mechanics 10-M=VGEM 10
Industrial Statistics 2 10-M=VIST 10
Field Arithmetics 10-M=VKAR 10
Numeric of Partial Differential Equations 10-M=VNPE 10
Mathematical Statistics 10-M=VSTA 10
Discrete Mathematics 10-M=VDIM 5
For further modules, please refer to the relevant degree Subject Description (SFB)    
Physics mind. 8
General Theoretical Physics    
Quantum Mechanics II 11-QM2 8
Theoretical Quantum Optics 11-TQO 8
Theory of Relativity 11-RTT 6
Renormalization Group Methods in Field Theory 11-RMFT 8
Physics of Complex Systems 11-PKS 6
Advanced Theory of Quantum Computing and Quantum Information 11-QIC 6
Theoretical Solid State Physics    
Theoretical Solid State Physics 11-TFK 8
Theoretical Solid State Physics 2 11-TFK2 8
Phenomenology and Theory of Superconductivity 11-PTS 6
Topological Effects in Solid State Physics 11-TEFK 8
Field Theory in Solid State Physics 11-FFK 8
Computational Materials Science (DFT) 11-CMS 8
Conformal Field Theory 11-KFT 6
Conformal Field Theory 2 11-KFT2 6
Particle Physics (Standard Model) 11-TPSM 8
Renormalization Group and Critical Phenomena 11-CRP 6
Bosonisation and Interactions in One Dimension 11-BWW 6
Introduction to Gauge/Gravity Duality 11-GGD 8
Cosmology 11-AKM 6
Theoretical Astrophysics 11-AST 6
Introduction to Plasma Physics 11-EPP 6
High Energy Astrophysics 11-APL 6
Computational Astrophysics 11-NMA 6
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics    
Quantum Field Theory I 11-QFT1 8
Quantum Field Theory II 11-QFT2 8
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics 11-TEP 8
String Theory 1 11-STRG1 8
String Theory 2 11-STRG2 6
Models Beyond the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics 11-BSM 6
For further modules, please refer to the relevant degree Subject Description (SFB)    
Research in Groups mind. 10
Research in Groups - Algebra 10-M=GALG 10
Research in Groups - Discrete Mathematics 10-M=GDIM 10
Research in Groups - Dynamical Systems and Control Theory 10-M=GDSC 10
Research in Groups - Complex Analysis 10-M=GCOA 10
Research in Groups - Geometry and Topology 10-M=GGMT 10
Research in Groups - Mathematics in Context 10-M=GMCX 10
Research in Groups - Mathematics in the Sciences 10-M=GMSC 10
Research in Groups - Measure and Integral 10-M=GMAI 10
Research in Groups - Numerical Mathematics and Applied Analysis 10-M=GNMA 10
Research in Groups - Robotics, Optimization and Control Theory 10-M=GROC 10
Research in Groups - Time Series Analysis 10-M=GTSA 10
Research in Groups - Statistics 10-M=GSTA 10
Research in Groups - Number Theory 10-M=GNTH 10
For further modules, please refer to the relevant degree Subject Description (SFB)    

Modules Abbreviation ECTS-Points
Professional Specialization Mathematical Physics 11-FS-MP 10
Scientific Methods and Project Management Mathematical Physics 11-MP-MP 10
Master Thesis Mathematical Physics 11-MA-MP 30

The final section consists of the modules "Professional Specialisation in Mathematical Physics" and "Scientific Methods and Project Management Mathematical Physics" as well as the Master's thesis. The final year lasts one year and is usually completed in the 3rd and 4th semesters. The Master's thesis must be completed in 6 months. The modules "Professional Specialization" and "Scientific Methods and Project Management" are aligned with the Master's thesis in terms of content and should be successfully completed before the start of the Master's thesis.

Programme Progression Plans and Variants

The course of study shown (Download als pdf) s a recommendation resulting from the logical sequence of module topics.

You are free to organise your studies according to your own wishes, bring certain modules forward or take them later, e.g. after a semester abroad.



Main Research Areas

As part of the Master's degree programme, you can specialise in the research focus areas listed below and take the corresponding modules.

Further Information