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  • Vakuumapparatur
Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

QM Study & Teaching

Quality Management in Study and Teaching

Quality Management at the University

A central concern of the Julius-Maximilians-University is the assurance and promotion of quality in studying and teaching. This is conditioned by individual as well as subject-specific cultural demands and circumstances, multidimensional factors such as the competencies of students and teachers, organizational framework conditions and, last but not least, constant change. Therefore, continuous understanding with all stakeholders on quality is required.

The University of Würzburg has established a quality management system that provides space and a framework for this, ensures participation and continuity, is organized in cycles, and thus enables binding measures to be derived.

For further information on quality management at the University of Würzburg please visit the pages of the department Quality Management und Organization Development.

Quality Goals in Study and Teaching

Based on the general quality goals of the University of Würzburg, the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy has defined its own quality goals, the achievement of which is evaluated regularly.

Roles in Study and Teaching

At each faculty of the University of Würzburg, there are some roles in the area of study and teaching that perform tasks, bear responsibility and have certain powers within the framework of quality management.The description of the QM Roles and the current staffing of the roles, as well as the associated description of the tasks and authorities in the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, can be found on the  QM Roles and QM Roles Description pages, respectively.