Deutsch Intern
Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Women's representative

Dr. Daniela Spanheimer

Servicezentrum der Fakultät
Geschäftsführung Abt. FTP
Physikalisches Institut

Room B026
Am Hubland
D - 97074 Würzburg

Appointments upon request
Tel.: 0931 888 3076
Email the women's representative

Assistant women's representative

M.Sc. Franziska Niederdraenk
Physikalisches Institut
Lehrstuhl Experimentelle Physik II

Room F177
Am Hubland
D - 97074 Würzburg

Appointments upon request
Tel.: 0931 888 5711
Email the ass. women's representative

Assistant women's representative

Dr. Karsten Schutte
Servicezentrum der Fakultät
Geschäftsführung Abt. LSF
Physikalisches Institut

Room B023
Am Hubland
D - 97074 Würzburg

Appointments upon request
Tel.: 0931 888 3075
Email the ass. women's representative

Equal opportunities for women

General information on the 'equal opportunities for women' program at the University of  Würzburg and events of the Faculty of Physics can be found here:

Women's office of the University of Würzburg

'Equal opportunities for women' program of the 'Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsprogramm (HWP)'

<link file:290043 download>Overview of current programs to promote equality of opportunity


Information on current and future events to promote female scientific professionals of all ages can be found on the event page.