English Intern
  • Prof. Denner -Profil- vor 2 Monitoren
Theoretische Physik II


Jahr Name Thema
2021-09 Manuel Kunkel LHC Phenomenology of Top Partners in Models with SU(6) / Sp(6)
2021-03 Philipp Stephan Optimizing Adaptive Multichannel Monte-Carlo Integration and Event Generation
2018-12 Pfeuffer Fabian Efficient solutions of memory integrals
2018-11 Geisler Simon Charge and color breaking minima in models with extended Higgs sectors
2018-09 Yang Liu Dark matter in supersymmetric inverse-seesaw models
2018-06 Peter Meinzinger Effects of Lepto-Quarks and Scalar Gluons on B-Meson Observables
2018-03 Matteo Boser Fermionic contributions to non-equilibrium processes in quantum field theory
2016-10 Matthias Kübert The combination of muon to 3 electron decays and neutrino phenomenology as a probe for a left-right-symmetric model
2016-09 Raimond Abt BRST quantization of massive spin-2 particles in the Stückelberg formalism
2016-09 Florian Amann Calculation of QCD cross sections in a basis of SU(3) coherent states
2015-07 Philipp Otterbein Quantisierung der Spinorelektrodynamik auf dem Anti-deSitter-Raum und allgemeinen statischen Raumzeiten
2015-06 Christoph Groß Leptogenesis in the nuMSM self-consistent treatment of Thermal self-energies
2014-10 Thomas Garratt Cosmological Constraints on Long-Lived, Heavy d-Quarks
2014-01 Bijan Chokoufe Nejad Numerical Calculations of Multi-Jet Cross Sections
2013-11 Jean-Nicolas Lang The Complex Mass Scheme, Gauge Dependence and Unitarity in perturbative Quantum Field Theory
2012-07 Manuel Krauß LHC phenomenology of a Z' decaying into supersymmetric particles
2010-10 Klaus Klopfer Analytical and numerical calculation of top-antitop-photon and top-antitop-Z-boson cross-sections with anomalous couplings
2010-09 Martin Krauß Massive neutrinos in supersymmetric models from higher than d=5 effective operators
2010-05 Julia Harz Lepton-Flavor Verletzung am ATLAS-Experiment am Beispiel des Zerfalls $~{\chi}^0_2 --> ~{\chi} ^0_1 \tau \mu$
2010-03 Matthias Bruhnke Squark-Zerfälle in bosonische Endzustände
2009-10 Fabian Bach Phenomenology of the Three Site Higgsless Model at the ATLAS detector of the LHC