Deutsch Intern
Theoretical Physics III

Würzburg Seminar on Quantum Field Theory and Gravity

WS 2024/2025: Tuesday 14:15 - 15:15 Uhr, online/onsite (SE4)

Date Speaker Title Presence/online
15.10.2024 Ioannis Matthaiakakis (University of Southampton) Relaxation terms for relativistic anomalous hydrodynamic transport Presence
22.10.2024 Javier Subils (University of Utrecht)  Exploring cosmic censorship in a holographic collider online
29.10.2024  Rajeev Singh (West Timisoara University) Relativistic advection-diffusion equation and viscous hydrodynamics in the density frame Presence
05.11.2024  Avik Banerjee (University of Crete) Nambu-Goto equations from 3D gravity online
12.11.2024  Amr Ahmadain (Swansea University) Deriving the Gibbons-Hawking-York (GHY) boundary term from the string worldsheet online
19.11.2024  Watse Sybesma (Stockholm University) Logarithmic Corrections to Black Hole Thermodynamics Presence
26.11.2024  Shan-Ming Ruan (Vrije U. Brussel) Non-extremal Island in de Sitter Gravity Presence
03.12.2024 Ruben Monten (CERN) Gravitational boundary modes in AdS and flat space online
10.12.2024 (13:00 Uhr) Hugo Camargo Complexity and Quantum Chaos in Krylov Subspace Presence
10.12.2024 Wayne Weng (Cornell University) The computable cross-norm in tensor networks and holography online
14.01.2025  Ko Sanders (University of Erlangen) Some remarks on relative entropy and modular operators in QFT Presence
21.01.2025  Parameswaran Nair (City College CUNY) Two, maybe three, observations on entanglement online
28.01.2025  Marija Tomasevic (University of Amsterdam) Stringy Gregory-Laflamme Presence
04.02.2025  Taishi Kawamoto (University of Kyoto) A Strategy for Proving the Strong Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis: Chaotic Systems and Holography Presence




SS 2024: Tuesday 14:15 - 15:15 Uhr, online/onsite

Date                    Speaker                 Title
16.04.2024 (onsite) Ziming Ji (Sissa University) Mass gap and confinement in AdS
23.04.2024 (online) Eugenia Colafranceschi (University of Western Ontario) Type I von Neumann algebras from gravitational path integrals: Ryu–Takayanagi as entropy without holography
30.04.2024 (onsite) Sergei V Ketov (Tokyo University) Unravelling the Darkness of the Universe
07.05.2024 (onsite, 10:15) Alessio Caddeo (University of Oviedo) Fracton gravity from spacetime dipole symmetry
07.05.2024 (onsite)
Andrew Rolph (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Chaotic black hole evaporation
14.05.2024 (onsite) Nana Geraldine Cabo Bizet (Universidad de Guanajuato) T-dualities in gauged linear sigma models
28.05.2024 (onsite) Sara Murciano (Caltech) An entanglement asymmetry study of black hole radiation
11.06.2024 (onsite) Joseph Lap (Yale University) Holographic Approaches to Splitting Quenches
18.06.2024 (onsite) Gideon Vos (Czech Academy of Sciences) Behind-the-horizon excitations from a single 2d CFT
25.06.2024 (onsite, 10:15, SE 4) Arnab Kundu (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics) Quantum Aspects of Black Holes from Brickwalls
25.06.2024 (onsite) Stefan Kehrein (University of Göttingen) Page curve-like behavior in an exactly solvable model
02.07.2024 (onsite) Sukrut Mondkar (IIT Madras) Holographic Gubser Flow
09.07.2024 (onsite, 10:15, SE 4) Kritinan Pongsangangan (TU Dresden) Transport properties of interacting Dirac electrons in two spatial dimensions: the role of dynamical screening
09.07.2024 (onsite) Elias Kiritsis (University of Crete) Confining holographic QFTs on AdS
16.07.2024 (onsite) Shozab Qasim (FU Berlin) A spacetime tensor network for AdS3/CFT2
23.07.2024 (onsite) Elliott Gesteau (Caltech) Stringy Horizons

WS 2023/2024: Tuesday 14:15 - 15:15 Uhr, online/onsite (SE4)

Date                     Speaker                  Title
17.10.2023 (online) Tanay Kibe (IIT Madras) A stabilizer code with non-invertible symmetries: Strange fractons, confinement and a novel fusion category
24.10.2023 (online) Hareram Swain (IIT Madras) A semi-holographic model for strange metallic behavior
31.10.2023 (online, 17:15) Alexey Milekhin (Caltech) Revisiting Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (and its possible relations to de Sitter)
07.11.2023 (online, 15:15) Luca Capizzi (LPTMS Paris) A universal formula for the entanglement asymmetry of matrix product states
14.11.2023 (online) Shao-Kai Jian (Tulane U.) Weak measurement in conformal field theory and holography
21.11.2023 (online, 13:15) Zhenbin Yang (Tsinghua U.) Finite-cutoff JT gravity and self-avoiding loops
28.11.2023 (online, 13:15) Ling-Yan Hung (Tsinghua U.) RG fixed point tensors, factorisation in 2D CFT and holographic tensor networks
28.11.2023 (online, 14:45) Ronak Soni (Cambridge U.) A Type I Approximation of the Crossed Product
05.12.2023 (onsite) Ingmar Saberi (LMU Munich) Current algebras, superconformal theories, and twisted holography
12.12.2023 (onsite, 13:15) Fabian Haneder (Regensburg U.) Genus expansions and non-factorisation in periodic orbit sums: a proposal for holography in two-dimensional quantum gravity
12.12.2023 (online, 14:45) José Calderon Infante (CERN) Emergence of Species Scale Black Hole Horizons
09.01.2024 (online, 15:15) Barbara Soda (Perimeter Inst.) Model for emergence of spacetime from fluctuations
16.01.2024 (onsite) Adi Armoni (Swansea U.) S-Dual of Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory
23.01.2024 (online) Etsuko Ituo (YITP, Kyoto U.) Schwinger model in the Hamiltonian formalism
30.01.2024 (online, 16:15) Scott Watson (Syracuse U.) Inflation from Purgatory
01.02.2024 (onsite, 16:00) Matthew Headrick (Brandeis U.) Geometric Surprises in the Python’s Lunch Conjecture
06.02.2024 (onsite) Umut Gursoy (Utrecht U.) Spin Hydrodynamics




SS 2023: Tuesday 14:15 - 15:15 Uhr, online/onsite

Date                    Speaker                 Title
18.04.2023 Dr. David Rodriguez-Fernandez (IFT Madrid) T-linear resistivity and optical conductivity for a holographic local quantum critical metal in a periodic potential
25.04.2023 Dr. Jácome Armas (U. of Amsterdam) Fracton Superfluids
02.05.2023 Dr. Eric Yair Lescano (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb) N=1 supersymmetry in 4D gravity with torsion and non-metricity
09.05.2023 Michel Pannier (FSU Jena) Flat-Space Holography in 3D: Matter Fields and Higher Spins
09.05.2023 Prof. Xavier Bekaert (U. Tours) Higher-spin extensions of BMS algebra
16.05.2023 Kazuki Ikeda (Stony Brook University, USA) Physics of Quantum Energy Teleportation
24.07.2023 (Monday) Dr. Sara Murciano (Caltech) Entanglement asymmetry and quantum Mpemba effect