Deutsch Intern
Theoretical Physics III

M.Sc. Thomas Kögel

Thomas Kögel

Theoretical Physics 3
University of Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: M1
Room: 2.009
Phone: 0931 31-

Research interests:

  • Quantum information within the AdS/CFT correspondence
  • Symmetry resolution of entanglement entropies
  • Applications of AdS/CFT


  • 2017-2021: B.Sc. in Physics, University of Würzburg
  • 2020-2021: Provisional Master programme, University of Würzburg
  • 2021-2024: M.Sc. in Physics, University of Würzburg
  • since February 2024: PhD student of René Meyer, University of Würzburg