Archiv - Projects and Funding
Collaborative Research Projects
Funding of the the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF
- Joint Project 05H2018
Precision predictions for vector-boson scattering, vector-boson pair production and top-quark production - Joint Project 05H2015
Physics at highest energies with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (BMBF-FSP 103): Physics at the LHC: Theory and Experiment (Data nanalysis, ATLAS Upgrade Phase I) - Joint Project 05H2012
Production of top-antitop pairs and supersymmetric scenarios with compressed mass spectrum at the LHC: precision calculations and phenomenological analyses - Joint Project 05H2009
Calculations and phenomenological analyzes for the search for new particles and interactions beyond the Standard Model - Joint Project 05HT2006
Search for Higgs bosons and physics beyond the Standard Model in collider experiments: Calculations and phenomenological analysis - Joint Project 05HT2004
Theoretical foundations for the search for new particles and interactions in accelerator experiments
German Research Funding (DFG)
- Cosmological phase transitions: field theoretical and numerical developments
- Leptoquarks: Flavor anomalies, LHC and models
- Precise predictions for vector-boson scattering at hadron colliders
- Automating electroweak NLO corrections for physics beyond the Standard Model
- Higgs production and decay in models with extra singlets and doublets - Precise predictions for the LHC
- Precision calculations for loop-induced Higgs boson production and decay processes
- Electroweak NLO corrections for LHC processes without Feynman diagrams
- Supersymmetric left-right models: LHC-phenomenology, parameter determination and model discrimination
- Flavour and CP physics in supersymmetric theories
- Theoretical foundations and phenomenological consequences of supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model of elementary particle physics
- Neutrinos from terrestrial and cosmic accelerators and their role in physics beyond the Standard Model
- Development of methods for calculating many-particle amplitudes at the single-loop level and their application
DFG Graduate School GRK1147
"Theoretical Astrophysics and Particle Physics"
![[Translate to Englisch:] DFG-Graduiertenkolleg GRK1147](/fileadmin/_processed_/7/4/csm_grk1147_logo_ce63cd6497.png)
- 2005-2015: Theoretical Astrophysics and Particle Physics
PROCOPE Programme
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- PPP-Programm mit Peru: The neutrino gateway to new physics
- PPP Programme with Spain: Acciones Integradas Hispano-Alemanas
- PPP Programme with France: Flavour und CP-Verletzung in SUSY-GUT Modellen
- PPP Programme with Czech Republic: Effective potential methods in beyond Standard Model physics
- PPP Programme with Korea: Composite Higgs Models, tools and strategies for searches of exotic signatures
HGF Initiating and Networking
Cooperation with DESY Hamburg and DESY Zeuthen
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Sofja Kovalevskaja funding
Bavarian University Center for Latin America
BAYLAT funding programme with Peru

- Exploring new physics through the Neutrino Window