English Intern
Theoretische Physik III

M.Sc. Jonathan Karl

Jonathan Karl

Theoretical Physics 3
University of Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Gebäude: M1
Raum: 2.009
Telefon: 0931 31-80250

Research interests:

  • Stringtheoretical aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence
    • Twisted Holography
    • Von Neumann algebras
    • Matrix models
  • Discrete Holography


  • 2018-2021: B.Sc. in mathematical physics, University of Würzburg
    Bachelor thesis on "Entanglement entropy for discrete holography" with Johanna Erdmenger
  • 2021-2022: Master studies in Mathematics, LMU München
  • 2022-2023: M.Sc. in mathematical physics, University of Würzburg
    Master thesis on "Matrix models for hyperbolic lattices" with Johanna Erdmenger
  • since October 2023: PhD student of Johanna Erdmenger