Theoretische Physik II

Special Seminar by Dr. Pablo Araya Melo (Jacobs University Bremen) on October 4 at 2:00 pm


Radio Emission in the Cosmic Web


Cosmic shocks play an important role in the heating of the large-scale
structure of the Universe. In addition, they are also associated with diffuse
radio emission. In this talk, I will explore the possibility of detecting radio
emission in the cosmic web, the complex network of filamentary nature that
characterizes the large-scale structure of the Universe. Using a large
hydrodynamical simulation, the Mach number as well as other properties of
cosmological shocks are determined. With the use of the SpineWeb technique,  a
procedure that classifies the matter distribution in terms of its topology, it
is possible to determine a characteristic Mach number for each element of the
cosmic web. The radio emission is then estimated for every environment. Galaxy
clusters present several radio objects, followed by filaments. On the other
hand, walls and voids present a few radio objects with very low luminosity. The
presence of radio emission is related to the temperature of the environment:
being voids the coldest region of the Universe, there is no radio emission,
while clusters, hosting the majority of radio emission, are the hottest

Time: 2:00 pm, Mo 10/4/2010
Room: Seminar room 322 (Astro)

K. Mannheim

Von K. Mannheim
