Theoretische Physik I

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Hanke

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Hanke

Emeritus and Research Prof.
Theoretische Physik I
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Gebäude: M1 Informatik/Physik
Raum: 03.018
Telefon: +49 931 31-85714
Prof. Dr. Werner Hanke


  • Vielteilchenphysik der kondensierten Materie

  • Stark korrelierte Fermionen

  • Hochtemperatur-Supraleitung

  • Magnetismus

  • Neue Quantenzustände der Materie: topologische Supraleitung, Quanten-Spin-Hall-Effekt

Quantum Spin Hall Effect

Quantum-Spin-Hall (QSH) materials are two-dimensional representatives of the family of topological insulators. They promise revolutionary device applications ("spintronics") based on dissipationless propagations of spin currents at their edges (see Fig. above).


Accessing topological superconductivity via a combined STM and renormalization-group analysis

The search for topological superconolactors (TSC) has recently become a key issue in conolensed matter physics, because of their possible relevance to provide a platform for Majorana bound states, non-Abelianstatistics and quantum computing.


Exploring the World of Interacting Fermions with the Functional Renormalization Group

When one wants to reslve the competing phases (such as the anti-ferromagnetic (AF) and superconducting (SC) phases in e.g. the High-Temperature Superconductors) one has to bridge in a controlled manner on enormous difference in energy scales:
