English Intern
Theoretische Physik II

Buch: "Gauge Theories...

Gauge Theories

of the Strong and Electroweak Interaction


Manfred Böhm

Ansgar Denner

Hans Joos

Aktualisierungen und Berichtigungen / Updates and corrections

page correction
60 In the first line of equation (1.5.10) an index "l" is missinig at the first "a^V". (Thanks to T. Riemann)
60 In the last term of equation (1.5.12) a factor 1/2 is missinig. (Thanks to F. Amann)
63 In equation (1.5.18) the definition of x should read: "x=Q^2/(2M\nu)". (Thanks to T. Riemann)
71 In the first line of equation (1.5.44) the argument of "F_2^{\gamma\gamma N}" should not be in the superscript. (Thanks to T. Riemann)
89 The sentence before equation (2.1.12) should read: "The two-point Green function is defined as" and "for the two-point Green function" after (2.1.12) should be omitted.
128 In equation (2.2.89) a factor "\varepsilon" should be multiplied to the bracket in the second line. (Thanks to S. Schmidt)
129 The two terms in the first line of equation (2.2.90) should be under an "\int d^4x". (Thanks to B. Jantzen)
156 In the second line of (2.4.21) a factor "i" is missing in front of "\slash{D}_{ij}". (Thanks to J. Kersten)
157 In the second line of the first (unnumbered) equation on this page a factor "i" is missing in front of "\slash{D}_{ij}". (Thanks to J. Kersten)
158 In the last but one line of (2.4.27), the "g_{\mu\nu}" in the middle should read "g_{\rho\mu}".
160 In the second line of this page it should read "and the case $\xi=0$ the Landau gauge" instead of "and the case $\xi=1$ the Landau gauge". (Thanks to B. Jantzen)
165 The sign of the third term on the right-hand side of (2.4.51) should be reversed.
172 In the third line after (2.4.78) it should read "prove" instead of "proof". (Thanks to M. Goeckeler)
200 In the second line of (2.5.27) it should read "(i\slash\partial-m)" instead of "(i\slash\partial+m)".
201 In (2.5.32) the bracket should close before the equal sign.
225 In equation (2.5.112) "[A_0(m)/m^2-2B_0]" should be replaced by "[-A_0(m)/m^2]". Then, the following equation should be replaced by "-alpha/(4\pi) (1-\delta) A_0(m)/m^2 = -alpha/(4\pi) (4\pi\mu^2/m^2)^\delta \Gamma(\delta)". (Thanks to M. Klasen)
226 In equation (2.5.116) the factor $N_F$ should be discarded.
239 In equation (2.5.153) the right-hand side should read "\psi>_phys".
245 In (2.5.180) the Lorentz index should be a superscript.
247 The right-hand side of (2.5.183) should be multiplied by "i".
248 The right-hand side of (2.5.186) should be multiplied by "i".
248 The BRS-transformed fields on the right-hand side of (2.5.187) should be multiplied by "-i".
249 The second line of (2.5.188) should be multiplied by "-i" and the BRS-transformed fields should be shifted after the antighost field.
292 In the second line of equation (2.8.13), "d^2 k_\perp" must be replaced by "d k^2_\perp". (Thanks to M. Löschner)
297 In equation (2.8.23) "p_{l,\mu}" in the numerator should read "p_{l,\mu_l}". (Thanks to S. Schmidt)
300 In equation (2.8.31) "p_{k,0}" in the denominator of the second equation should read "p_{m,0}". (Thanks to S. Schmidt)
308 In equation (2.8.61) "\sum_\lambda" should be discarded. (Thanks to F. Hebenstreit)
314 In equation (2.8.82) "-3/2\delta(1-x)" should be replaced by "+3/2\delta(1-x)". (Thanks to W. Oeller)
324 In the first line of equation (2.8.117) "-3/2\delta(1-x)" should be replaced by "+3/2\delta(1-x)". (Thanks to W. Oeller)
327 In equation (2.8.124) "\sum_\lambda" should be discarded. (Thanks to F. Hebenstreit)
384 In the last but one line of this page "\xi = m a" should be replaced by "\xi = 1/(m a)". (Thanks to M. Goeckeler)
405 In the second line of the second paragraph "\xi = m a" should be replaced by "\xi = 1/(m a)". (Thanks to M. Goeckeler)
418 In Ref. [Fe48] the page number should read "367" instead of "267". (Thanks to M. Goeckeler)
420 In Ref. [Le55] the page number should read "205" instead of "1425". (Thanks to M. Goeckeler)
476 In the 3rd line of the last but one paragraph "parton!structure function" should be discarded.
479 In equation (3.3.26) "f^{(0)}_{q,N}(z)" should be replaced by "f^{(0)}_{q,N}(y)" in lines 2 and 3. (Thanks to S. Dittmaier)
522 The scale on the y axis in Fig. 3.12 should be multiplied by 100. (Thanks to M. Goeckeler)
569 In the middle of the page in the item 1. it should read $M^2=-\mu^2/2$ instead of $M^2=-\mu^2$.
577 In equation (4.1.38) it should read "J=c" instead of "J=0". (Thanks to D. Fontes)
586 In equation (4.1.64) "\int d^4 x" should be discarded. (Thanks to M. Goeckeler)
587 In equation (4.1.70) "\int d^4 x" should be discarded. (Thanks to M. Goeckeler)
587 In equation (4.1.70) the sign in front of \xi should be changed.
590 Equation (4.1.77) should read: R^a X^{L,r} - X^{L,r} L^a = X^{L,s} P_{sr}^a, L^a X^{R,r} - X^{R,r} R^a = X^{R,s} P_{sr}^a. (Thanks to M. Reyer)
601 In the last line of (4.2.33) on page 601, the term involving $V^\dagger$ should be multiplied with $m_{u,j}$ instead of $m_{u,i}$.
602 In the first line of (4.2.33) on page 602, the term involving $V^\dagger$ should be multiplied with $m_{d,i}$ instead of $m_{d,j}$.
603 In the first equation (4.2.36) the r.h.s. should be divided by sqrt{2}.
623 In equation (4.4.7) the sign in the last line on page 623 should be reversed.
639 In equation (4.4.71) "\Gamma" should be replaced by "\hat\Gamma".
641 In equation (4.4.84) the global sign of the right-hand side should be inverted.
644 In equation (4.4.93) the sign of the right-most term should be changed.
645 In equation (4.4.96) the signs of the right-most terms in both lines should be changed.
656 In equation (4.5.10) the indices "i" and "j" in the last term should be interchanged.
658 In equation (4.5.15) the matrix element $U_{ij}$ should have an additional lower index 0, i.e. $U_{0,ij}$, and the same applies to the matrices $U$ in the first line of (4.5.18).
658 In equation (4.5.16) the index 0 should be shifted to the field on the left-hand side and omitted on the right-hand side.
669 In equation (4.5.58) "\bar{M}^2_W" should be replaced by "{M}^2_W".
695 In the third and fifth lines of equation (4.6.70) "V^Z" should be replaced by "A^Z$ in front of "\gamma_5".
696 In the sentence after (4.6.77) "34 GeV" should be replaced by "34 MeV".
697 In the third and forth lines of equation (4.6.79) "V^Z" should be replaced by "A^Z$ in front of "\gamma_5".
716 In the last sentence of the first item the number of additional parameters for massive Dirac neutrinos should be "seven" and the number of parameters of the lepton mixing matrix should be "four". In the footnote the numer of additional phases should be "two".
729 In equation (5.1.36) the "2" in the denominator should be replaced by "\sqrt{2}". (Thanks to M. Spira)
749 In equation (A.1.41) "i\sigma^{\mu\nu}(p+p')_\nu" should be replaced by "i\sigma^{\mu\nu}(p-p')_\nu". (Thanks to K.- Diener)
749 In equation (A.1.45) "\epsilon_{\mu}" should be replaced by "\epsilon_{\nu}". (Thanks to M. Goeckeler )
752 In lines one and two of equation (A.1.63) the first superscript of "G" should be "\phi^\dagger" and the second should be "\phi" without dagger.

If you think you have found further errors, please send a note to Ansgar.Denner@uni-wuerzburg.de

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