
For dialing from outside the University of Würzburg use prefix (+49)-(0)931-31.
The Fax number for all EP VII-staff is (+49)-(0)931 31 85158.
Head of Chair
Name | Office | Phone (office) | |
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Reinert | reinert... | B119 | 85758 |
Name | Office | Phone (office) | |
Hiltrud Eaton | EP7-sekretariat... | F162 | 85756 |
Rosmarie Riegel | EP7-sekretariat... | F162 | 85756 |
Senior Scientists
Name | Office | Phone (office) | |
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Umbach (emeritus) | | B119a | |
Priv. Doz. Dr. Achim Schöll | achim.schoell... | B120 | 85127 |
Dr. Hendrik Bentmann | hendrik.bentmann... | B120 | 82434 |
Dr. Jakub Schusser | jakub.schusser... | B118a | 81080 |
Dr. Maximilian Ünzelmann | maximilian.uenzelmann... | B120 | 86294 |
Dr. Himanshu Lohani | himanshu.lohani... | B120 | 86294 |
Dr. Chien-Wen Chuang | chien-wen.chuang... | B110c | |
PhD Students
Name | Office | Phone (office) | Lab | Phone (lab) | |
Sonja Schatz | sonja.schatz... | B110c | 88557 | D142 | 95749 |
Simon Müller | simon.mueller... | B110c | 85140 | D152 | 95754 |
Tim Figgemeier | tim.figgemeier... | B118 | 86202 | D142 | 95749 |
Johannes Heßdörfer | johannes.hessdoerfer... | B110b | 87905 | FU44 | 95156 |
Begmuhammet Geldiyev | begmuhammet.geldiyev... | B118 | 87425 | D142 | 95749 |
Hibiki Orio | hibiki.orio... | B110b | 83597 | FU44 | 95156 |
Muthu Prasath Thirugnanasambandam Masilamani | muthu.masilamani... | B118a | 81080 | D142 | 95749 |
Marco Dittmar | marco.dittmar... | B110a | 87801 | D152 | 95754 |
Master Students
Name | Office | Phone (office) | Lab | Phone (lab) | |
Lena Hirnet | | B110a | D152 | 95754 | |
Lorenz Klein | | B110b | FU44 | 95156 | |
Romana Ganser | | B110c | D142 | 95749 | |
Bachelor Students
Name | Office | Phone (office) | Lab | Phone (lab) | |
Hannes Haberkamm | | B110a | D152 | 95754 | |
Noah Endres | | B110a | D142 | 95749 | |