(e)Posters & Poster talks
Proceedings - (e)Posters & Poster talks
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2023[ to top ]
Modular Simulation Framework for Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #634 (P42), Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303081. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303081)
From bench to bedside: does a human-sized MPI scanner work with endoprosthesis of the hip and knee?. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #632 (P32), Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303015. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303015)
Vascular MPI: visualization and tracking of rapidly moving samples. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #642 (P71), Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303044. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303044)
Resotran(R) meets MPI - clinically approved Ferucarbotran reintroduced: a major leap towards MPI in humans. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #635 (P61), Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303058. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303058)
Multi sequence hardware design for rotational drift spectroscopy. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #625 (P76), Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303070. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303070)
Realistic vascular 3D printed phantom for real-time bolus tracking in a human-sized MPI scanner. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. #631 (P31), Aachen, Germany. 2023.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2023). 9(1s1) 2303014. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303014)
2022[ to top ]
Modified MPS: New benchtop approach in medical point-of-care diagnostics. . In Proc. BMT, of Proc. BMT, p. PS2B #3, Innsbruck, Austria. 2022.also in: Biomed. Tech. (2022). 67(s1) 70. (doi: 10.1515/bmt-2022-2001)
Imaging of the lumen of intracranial flow diverter stents with MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P33, virtual event. 2022.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2022). 8(1s1).
A closed form solution of magnetic nanoparticles in Rotating drift spectroscopy. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P45, virtual event. 2022.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2022). 8(1s1) 2203079. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2022.2203079)
Portable MPS device for radical innovation in medical point-of-care diagnostics. . In Proc. Magnetic Carriers (MAGMEET), of Proc. Magnetic Carriers (MAGMEET), p. p. 84 (Poster #73), London, U.K. 2022.
Highly Flexible Human Aneurysm Models for Realistic Flow Experiments with MPI and MRI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P22, virtual event. 2022.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2022). 8(1s1) 2203035. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2022.2203035)
Fully mechanically driven Traveling Wave MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P9, virtual event. 2022.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2022). 8(1s1) 22203011. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2022.2203011)
Multiparametric rotational drift spectroscopy. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P16, virtual event. 2022.also in: Int. J. Magn. Part. Imag. (2022). 8(1s1) 2203018. (doi: 10.18416/IJMPI.2022.2203018)
iMPI – first real-time imaging with a human-sized interventional Magnetic Particle Imaging scanner. . In Proc. ISMRM & ESMRMB, of Proc. ISMRM & ESMRMB, p. #3949, London, U.K. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
Interventional Magnetic Particle Imaging Open-bore Scanner Design. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #4267, virtual event. 2021.
2019[ to top ]
Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy ‐ MObile Universal Surface Explorer. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. p. 109 (P51), Paris, France. 2019.
First MPS MObile Universal Surface Explorer. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 47f., New York City/New York, USA. 2019.
Development of a dynamic bolus phantom system for magnetic particle imaging. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 143f., New York City/New York, USA. 2019.
A dynamic bolus phantom system for magnetic particle imaging. . In Proc. MIMIT, of Proc. MIMIT, p. Beijing, China. 2019.
MPS-MOUSE – Mobiles Messinstrument für die Detektion erkrankter Wächterlymphknoten. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. p. 218f. (P30), Stuttgart, Germany. 2019.
iMPI – Dedizierter Magnetic Particle Imaging Scanner für kardiovaskuläre Intervention. . In Proc. DGMP, of Proc. DGMP, p. p. 270f. (P64), Stuttgart, Germany. 2019.
MPS MOUSE for SPION Specification and Standardization. . In Proc. ISMAP, of Proc. ISMAP, p. p. 22, Ilmenau, Germany. 2019.
Development of a Dynamic Bolus Phantom System for Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. ISMAP, of Proc. ISMAP, p. p. 22, Ilmenau, Germany. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
A comparison of image-based system matrices. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P10, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
Long-term stable measurement phantoms for multimodal imaging of magnetic nanoparticles. . In Proc. Magnetic Carriers (MAGMEET), of Proc. Magnetic Carriers (MAGMEET), p. 182, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2018.
MPI Arthography – Proof of Prinicple in a Phantom Study. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P21, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
Hybrid Gradiometer Design for Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P35, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
iMPI – inverted Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P34, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
Towards Standardized MPI Measurements. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P30, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
WOTAN – low cost ultra small formfactor console for MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P36, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
Thermo‐responsive Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Non‐invasive Magnetic Imaging of Cancer Cells. . In Proc. CLINAM, of Proc. CLINAM, p. Basel, Switzerland. 2018.
Long-term stable ferrogels for quantitative magnetic particle imaging phantoms. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P29, Hamburg, Germany. 2018.
2017[ to top ]
Real-time Reconstruction for (TW)MPI Systems. . In Proc. IWMPI, p. P09, p. 47, Prague, Czech Republic. 2017.
Development of long-term stable measurement phantoms for quantitative magnetic particle imaging. . In Proc. DGMP & BMT, p. P1, Desden, Germany. 2017.also in: Biomed. Tech. (2017). 62(s1) s78. (doi: 10.1515/bmt-2017-5022)
Long-term Stable Measurement Phantoms for Quantitative Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. GFW (German Ferrofluid Workshop), p. #16, p. 120f., Dresden, Germany. 2017.
Real-time Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty with Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #4428, Honolulu/Hawaii, USA. 2017.
2016[ to top ]
Rotational Drift Spectroscopy (RDS): Measuring Fast Relaxing Magnetic Nanoparticle Ensembles. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 90, Lübeck, Germany. 2016.
3D-GUI Simulation Environment for MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 95, Lübeck, Germany. 2016.
MPI meets MRI - simultaneous measurement of MPI and MRI signals. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 69, Lübeck, Germany. 2016.
Bimodal TWMPI-MRI hybrid scanner - first MRI results. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 29, Lübeck, Germany. 2016.
RDS Toolbox - Simulation of 3D Rotational Drift. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 64, Lübeck, Germany. 2016.
MPI Cube - fully 3D field free line scanner. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 26, Lübeck, Germany. 2016.
2015[ to top ]
Magnetic Particle Imaging with Labeled Tumor Cells: Proof of Principal Study in a Murine Small Cell Lung Cancer Model. . In Proc. RSNA, of Proc. RSNA, p. MI232-SD-THA2, Chicago, IL, USA. 2015.
2014[ to top ]
Simulating the Signal Generation of Rotational Drift Spectroscopy. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P29, Berlin, Germany. 2014.
Simulating and Modeling Relaxation Effects in Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P23, Berlin, Germany. 2014.
Rotational Drift Spectroscopy for Magnetic Particle Ensembles. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P28, Berlin, Germany. 2014.
Superspeed Traveling Wave MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P04, Berlin, Germany. 2014.
Projected Traveling Wave MPI. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. P03, Berlin, Germany. 2014.
Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging for Determining the Iron-Distribution in Rock. . In Proc. MRPM, of Proc. MRPM, p. P-07, Wellington, New Zealand. 2014.
Visualizing Immune Processes with 3D Magnetic Particle / Magnetic Resonance Fusion Imaging: Proof of Concept in a Murine Graft-versus-Host Disease Model. . In Proc. RSNA, of Proc. RSNA, p. MIS127, Chicago, IL, USA. 2014.
Metamaterial magnetoinductive lens performance as a function of field strength and acceleration factor. . In Proc. URSI, of Proc. URSI, p. #227, Valencia, Spain. 2014.
MPI Meets MRI: A First MPI/MRI Hybrid Scanner. . In Proc. ISMRM & ESMRMB, of Proc. ISMRM & ESMRMB, p. #4836, Milan, Italy. 2014.
2013[ to top ]
Water distribution changes in six wood species after supercritical carbon dioxide dewatering. . In Proc. APNMR/ANZMAG, of Proc. APNMR/ANZMAG, p. Brisbane, Australia. 2013.
1H and 13C MR imaging of wood-water interactions under supercritical CO2 conditions. . In Proc. APNMR/ANZMAG, of Proc. APNMR/ANZMAG, p. Brisbane, Australia. 2013.
Uncovering supercritical CO2 wood dewatering via interleaved 1H-imaging and 13C-spectroscopy with real-time reconstruction. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P20, Cambridge, UK. 2013.
2012[ to top ]
Fast, Indirect Assessment of the 19F B1 Profile by 1H Bloch-Siegert B1 Mapping Using Double-Resonant 1H/19F Coils. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #3367, Melbourne, Australia. 2012.
3D Magnetic Particle Imaging with a Traveling Wave. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #2742, Melbourne, Australia. 2012.
2011[ to top ]
An efficient Design for a Quadrature Birdcage at 750 MHz. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P12, Beijing, China. 2011.
A high pressure setup to examine wood drying at 7T using 1H and 13C NMR in a supercritical CO2 atmosphere at 20 MPa. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P28, Beijing, China. 2011.
Comparison of a Solenoid and Scroll Coil Probe at 750 MHz. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P40, Beijing, China. 2011.
A Thermally Variable Setup for the Study of Moisture Transport in Silica during Drying under Temerature Gradients at 17.6T. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P21, Beijing, China. 2011.
Magnetic Particle Imaging: Linear Gradient Array for Imaging with a Traveling Wave. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #3783, Montreal, Canada. 2011.
Non-Linear Concentration Effects in Magnetic Particle Imaging. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #1437, Montreal, Canada. 2011.
Metamaterial Media for MRI Applications. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #1805, Montreal, Canada. 2011.
2010[ to top ]
Characterization of Porous Media at 17.6 Tesla - Preliminary Results. . In Proc. MRPM, of Proc. MRPM, p. P24, Leipzig, Germany. 2010.
Investigation of The Magnetic Particle Imaging Signal’s Dependency on Ferrofluid Concentration. . In Proc. IWMPI, of Proc. IWMPI, p. p. 73f., Lübeck, Germany. 2010.also in: Magnetic Nanoparticles, 73f., World Scientific, 2010.
2009[ to top ]
Impact of local SPIO concentration on the Magnetic Particle Imaging signal. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P56, West Yellowstone/Montana, USA. 2009.
Direct Detection of SPIO Labeled Stem Cells. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #909, Honolulu/Hawaii, USA. 2009.
2008[ to top ]
Direct detection of magnetic nanoparticles. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #164, Valencia, Spain. 2008.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2008). 21(s) 106.
2007[ to top ]
Mapping the flux density of a coil with an optical detector. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P-1, Aachen, Germany. 2007.
Design of a double-resonant 19F-1H resonator for in vivo MRI detection of amyloid plaques at 17.6T. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P-8, Aachen, Germany. 2007.
Entwicklung einer 4+4 Kanal Multifunktionsspule mit kleinen Einzelelementen. . In Proc. DS-ISMRM, of Proc. DS-ISMRM, p. P18, Würzburg, Germany. 2007.
2006[ to top ]
Resonator designs and results for microscopic in-vivo and ex-vivo MRI at highest field strengths up to 17.6 T. . In Proc. Highfield Symposium, of Proc. Highfield Symposium, p. P8, Würzburg, Germany. 2006.
Multipurpose 4+4 Channel Array Setup for Parallel Imaging in 3D. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #2585, Seattle/Washington, USA. 2006.
Short Echo Spectroscopic Imaging Combined with Lactate Editing in a Single Scan. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #3053, Seattle/Washington, USA. 2006.
Measurement of T1 Relaxation Times of Major Metabolites in the Mouse Brain at 11.7 and 17.6 Tesla Using Voxel-Localized Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #1490, Seattle/Washington, USA. 2006.
Combined lactate editing and T2 measurement for quantification in lipid rich tissues. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #839, Warsaw, Poland. 2006.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2006). 19(s) 379.
Modular and in-vivo probe bases for MRI and MRS experiments at highest field strengths. . In Proc. Highfield Symposium, of Proc. Highfield Symposium, p. P9, Würzburg, Germany. 2006.
2005[ to top ]
Quantification of in vivo T1 relaxation times in rat spinal cord at 17.6 Tesla. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #2538, Miami/Florida, USA. 2005.
2004[ to top ]
In vivo and In vitro High Field Imaging of Rat Spinal Cord Injury. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #1529, Kyoto, Japan. 2004.
2003[ to top ]
Resonator Designs and Results for Microscopic in-vivo and ex-vivo MRI at Highest Field Strengths up to 17.6 T. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P-68, Snowbird/Utah, USA. 2003.
High-Field NMR-Microscopy of Prenatal Dolphins. . In Proc. ECS, of Proc. ECS, p. NT05, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 2003.
An improved Probebase and Resonator Setup for in-vivo body MR Imaging of small mammals at 17.6 T. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P-67, Snowbird/Utah, USA. 2003.
Resonator Designs for Very High Field 1H and X-Nuclei in-vivo and ex-vivo Microscopic MRI Experiments. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #2360, Toronto, Canada. 2003.
High Field Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Pig Cartilage. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P-69, Snowbird/Utah, USA. 2003.
High Field Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of pig cartilage. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #75, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2003.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2003). 16(s) 39.
An improved probebase and coil design for in-vivo body MRI of small mammals at 17.6T. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #165, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2003.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2003). 16(s) 88f.
In vivo MR imaging of spinal cord injury at 17.6 Tesla. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #410, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2003.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2003). 16(s) 216.
Multi-channel resonators for experiments at 17.6T. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #157, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2003.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2003). 16(s) 83.
Resonators for in-vivo and ex-vivo MRI at field strengths up to 17.6T. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #164, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2003.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2003). 16(s) 87f.
2002[ to top ]
High Field 3D-NMR Imaging of Dolphin Embryos and Fetuses. . In Proc. ISMRM, of Proc. ISMRM, p. #2533, Honolulu/Hawaii, USA. 2002.
High-Field NMR Microscopy of Dolphin Embryos and Fetuses. . In Proc. ESMRMB, of Proc. ESMRMB, p. #430, Cannes, France. 2002.also in: Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. (2002). 15(s) 206.
2001[ to top ]
3D-NMR Imaging of Dolphin Embryos and Fetuses. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P11, Nottingham, U.K. 2001.
1999[ to top ]
Relaxation of fluorinated gases for lung imaging. . In Proc. ICMRM, of Proc. ICMRM, p. P83, Heidelberg, Germany. 1999.