Group members
Professor Dr. Vladimir Hinkov, group leader

Fields of research
Orbital and magnetic properties of complex oxides
Resonant elastic and inelastic x-ray scattering
Inelastic and small-angle neutron scattering
Publications and researcher-ID
Contact information
Office C-206
Physikalisches Institut, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
E-mail: | Phone: +49 931 31-84481
Dr. Abdul-Vakhab Tcakaev, Postdoc

Fields of research
Resonant x-ray scattering, simulations
Spin-Hall effect, quantum wells
Transition-metal-oxide heterostructures, topological materials
Simulations of scattering and absorption data, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, magnetic materials.
Contact information
Office C-205 | E-mail: | Phone: +49 931 31-80172
Michael Dettbarn, PhD student

Fields of research
Inversion and phase retrieval problems in scattering
Transition-metal-oxide heterostructures, manganates and titanates
Contact information
Office C-205 | E-mail: | Phone: +49 931 31-82009
Benjamin Katter, PhD student

Fields of research
Resonant X-ray reflectivity, simulations
Contact information
Office C-213 | E-mail: | Phone: +49 931 31-85393
Monika Seifer, secretary EP-IV

Contact information
Office E-142 | E-mail: | Phone: +49 931 31-85870
Jorge Enrique Hamann-Borrero | July 2013, May 2014 | extraction of chemical and valence state profiles in complex oxides.
Alex Frañó | August, September 2012 | working on charge order and the structural properties of RENiO3-based heterostructures.
Jorge Enrique Hamann-Borrero | August 2012 | working on the development of a method to extract the electronic valency profile of cobalt in LaCoO3 thin films based on resonant reflectivity.
Alex Frañó | June, July 2012 | working on the magnetic properties on RENiO3 heterostructures
Jorge Enrique Hamann-Borrero | June 2012 | working on resonant x-ray reflectivity in oxide heterostructures
Dmytro Inosov | December 2010 | working on photoemission spectroscopy in LiFeAs and Co-doped BaFe2As2 (and making the acquaintance of the local bear population...)
Former group members
Katrin Fürsich
- Master student, April 2015 - August 2016, now: PhD student MPI Stuttgart
- Thesis: The optical constants of NiO studied with resonant x-ray reflectivity and cluster calculations
Sebastian Macke
- Postdoc 2011 - 2013, Associate Member 2013 - 2016
- Topics: Analysis and simulation of x-ray scattering and reflectivity data, creation of the RemagX analysis tool; transition metal oxide heterostructures and reconstruction
Alex M. Frañó Pereira
- PhD student at BESSY/MPI-Stuttgart, 2010-2014, defense with distinction in January 2014, now: postdoc with Robert Birgeneau (Berkeley)
- Topics: X-ray diffratction and reflectivity in nickelate heterostructures
Adriano Verna
- Research Associate, 2012 - 2013, after that scientist at the Università Roma Tre
- Topics: Resonant x-ray reflectometry, simulations, magnetic and orbital reconstruction at oxide interfaces
Ronny Sutarto
- Postdoc, 2010 - 2013, now: permanent scientist at the Canadian Light Source
- Topics: Resonant x-ray reflectometry, simulations, instrument development
Shadi Balandeh
- Masters student, 2012 - 2013, after that with George Sawatzky at UBC
- Topics: Cluster calculations, resonant x-ray reflectometry, nickelates
Jitae Park
- PhD student since 2008, graduated in July 2012, after that scientist at the FRM-II
- Thesis: Spin Dynamics in 122-Type Iron-Based Superconductors
Martin Bluschke
- Honours student since 2011, graduated with distinction (July 2012), after that at MPI-FKF
- Thesis: Orbital Reconstruction at the Surface of Lanthanum Nickelate Thin Films
Junghwa Kim
- Postdoc 2009 - 2012, after that with Samsung Corporation, Korea
- Topics: Neutron diffraction, neutron reflectometry; magnetic oxide multilayers
Jorge Enrique Hamann-Borrero
- Postdoc, April 2011 - December 2011, now with Geck / Büchner IFW Dresden
- Topics: Resonant reflectivity, valence state profiles in LaCoO3-based multilayers, multiferroics
Daniel Haug
- PhD student since 2007, graduated with distinction (July 2011), now with Bosch
- Thesis: The magnetic phase diagram of underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x studied by neutron scattering
Toshinao Loew
- PhD student, 2010 - 2011, after that at MPI-FKF (Keimer department)
- Topics: Neutron scattering, high-Tc cuprates; sample preparation and characterization
Yuan Li
- Alexander-von-Humboldt Research Fellow, 2010, now Associate Professor, ICQM, Beijing University
- Topics: Polarized neutron scattering; novel phases in high-Tc cuprates
Gerd Friemel
- PhD student, 2010, after that at MPI-FKF (Keimer department)
- Topics: Transport and magnetic susceptibility measurements; neutron scattering; iron arsenides
Meng Wu
- PhD student, 2010, after that MPI-FKF (Keimer department)
- Topics: Oxide Multilayers, x-ray diffraction and reflectometry
Petar Yordanov
- Postdoc, 2008 - 2010, after that at MPI-FKF
- Topics: Oxide multilayers; optical ellipsometry
Eva Benckiser
- Postdoc, 2008 - 2010, now Minerva group leader at MPI-FKF (Keimer department)
- Topics: Oxide multilayers; resonant x-ray reflectometry
Dmytro Inosov
- Postdoc, 2008 - 2010, now Junior Professor at Universität Dresden
- Topics: ARPES; neutron scattering, high-Tc superconductivity
Anton Suchaneck
- PhD student, graduated in April 2009
- Thesis: Investigation of the effect of Zn impurities and magnetic field on the spin dynamics in underdoped YBa2(Cu1-yZny)Ox