Fall School Würzburg 2011
Würzburg Fall School on "Correlated Electrons at Surfaces and Interfaces" (DFG FOR 1162)

The Würzburg Fall school is concerned with strong electron correlations in low-dimensional systems on surfaces and interfaces. It consists of lectures from experiment and theory comprising different spectroscopic techniques and analytical approaches. It is addressed at PhD students and young researchers, and will be held in a tutorial style with ample discussions.
The themes cover experimental and theoretical issues in the domains of:
- Many-body effects in 1D and 2D nanostructures on semiconductor surfaces
- Heavy fermion physics in quasi-2D Kondo systems
- Oxide heterostructures
- Topological insulators

Invited Speakers:
- P. Coleman (University of Rutgers)
- F. Himpsel (University of Madison)
- T. Kopp (University of Augsburg)
- D. Malterre (University of Nancy)
- V. Meden (RWTH Aachen)
- W. Plummer (Lousiana State University)
- G. Rijnders (University of Twente)
- C. Xu (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- M. Bode (University of Wuerzburg)
- H. Buhmann (University of Wuerzburg)

Scientific program:
The school will start with Registration on Monday evening, October 3, and run the scientific lectures from Tuesday morning to Friday afternoon, October 4-7.
Detailed Session Schedule
University of Würzburg, Historical Buildings in the heart of the city, with part of the program in the Residence (UNESCO world heritage), in Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany.
Poster Session:
All participants are encouraged to bring a poster describing the research in their group.
The posters will be covered in two dedicated Posters Sessions.
DFG research unit FOR1162, University of Würzburg
Program Committee: Fakher Assaad, Joerg Schaefer