Deutsch Intern
International Master

Qualification aims study programs

General preliminary remarks

Within the framework of implementing the Bologna Process to build a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy has set the objectives that the studies generally end with the master’s degree. So the Faculty regards the offered bachelor‘s and master’s degree courses as master plan with consecutive curricula. The bachelor’s degree in the subjects physics respectively nanostructural engineering has an independent job-qualificatory profile, but above all establishes the basis for the consecutive master degree courses as well as for interdisciplinary master degree courses with a strong content of physics.

The bachelor’s degree courses impart basic scientific knowledge, methodical skills and job-related qualifications. The main emphasis here is on imparting a widespread basic knowledge in all central areas of experimental and theoretical physics and of chemistry. In the framework of the subsidiary subject bachelor’s degree course (60 ECTS) only a rudimentary basic knowledge in experimental and theoretical physics can be imparted, as here the main focus lies on imparting knowledge including the bachelor thesis in the main subject (120 ECTS), where the students also have the possibility to gain basic competences to start a job, for self-development and social commitment.

A more elaborate profile and increasing knowledge is being gained in the respective master’s degree courses. In respect of science, the master’s degree course at the faculty directly makes contact to the primary job sector. During the master’s degree courses this is ensured by research-related lecture contents considering topical research subjects, as well as by the master thesis.

Following the recommendations of the KFP (Konferenz der Fachbereiche Physik; Conference of the Departments of Physics) the faculty assumes that the graduates operate a master project within the frame of a consecutive bachelor/master program to finalize their studies. This project has a duration of twelve months (with 60 ECTS altogether) and has to be carried out in one of the experimental or theoretical research groups of the faculty. The master project has three modules: two preparatory modules (module „technical specialisation“ and module „knowledge of methods and system engineering“, hereinafter referred to as „MA- project modules“) as well as the master thesis itself (MA-Thesis). All three modules are sequential and are intrinsically tied to each other. Within these modules the students learn the biggest portion of the essential competences and abilities according to the defined qualification targets

Formulation and continuous advancements of the job and qualification targets are being done and achieved considering the recommendations of the professional associations DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft; German Physical Society) and KFP by the people in charge of the study program. It is being discussed in the committee on teaching and the curriculum, e.g. when essential changes of a study program are being planned or after a subject had been evaluated. Changes are presented to the faculty board to get a resolution. So a continuous development and improvement process in the quality management system is guaranteed at all times.