Deutsch Intern
Experimental Physics III


  • Spectral Asymmetry Induces a Re‐Entrant Quantum Hall Effect in a Topological Insulator. Wang, Li‐Xian; Beugeling, Wouter; Schmitt, Fabian; Lunczer, Lukas; Mayer, Julian‐Benedikt; Buhmann, Hartmut; Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Advanced Science. Wiley, 2024.

  • Kondo interaction of quantum spin Hall edge channels with charge puddles. Fuchs, Christopher; Shamim, Saquib; Shekhar, Pragya; Fürst, Lena; Kleinlein, Johannes; Väyrynen, Jukka I.; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Phys. Rev. B, 108(20), p. 205302. American Physical Society, 2023.
  • Fast low bias pulsed DC transport measurements for the investigation of low temperature transport effects in semiconductor devices. Fuchs, C.; Hofer, M.; Fürst, L.; Shamim, S.; Kießling, T.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Journal of Applied Physics, 134(17). AIP Publishing, 2023.
  • Giant THz Nonlinearity in Topological and Trivial HgTe-Based Heterostructures. Uaman Svetikova, T. A.; de Oliveira, T. V. A. G.; Pashkin, A.; Ponomaryov, A.; Berger, C.; Fürst, L.; Bayer, F. B.; Novik, E. G.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Helm, M.; Kiessling, T.; Winnerl, S.; Kovalev, S.; Astakhov, G. V. In ACS Photonics, 10(10), pp. 3708–3714. American Chemical Society (ACS), 2023.
  • Velocity and confinement of edge plasmons in HgTe-based two-dimensional topological insulators. Gourmelon, Alexandre; Frigerio, Elric; Kamata, Hiroshi; Lunczer, Lukas; Denis, Anne; Morfin, Pascal; Rosticher, Michael; Berroir, Jean-Marc; Fève, Gwendal; Placais, Bernard; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Bocquillon, Erwann. In Phys. Rev. B, 108(3), p. 035405. American Physical Society, 2023.
  • Fluctuations in Planar Magnetotransport Due to Tilted Dirac Cones in Topological Materials. Thenapparambil, Arya; dos Santos, Graciely Elias; Li, Chang-An; Abdelghany, Mohamed; Beugeling, Wouter; Buhmann, Hartmut; Gould, Charles; Zhang, Song-Bo; Trauzettel, Björn; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nano Letters, 23(15), pp. 6914–6919. American Chemical Society (ACS), 2023.
  • Realization of smooth side profile using diffusion-controlled wet chemical etching for HgTe/(Hg,Cd)Te heterostructures. Shekhar, Pragya; Bendias, Kalle; Fürst, Lena; Liang, Xianhu; Gbordzoe, Michael K; Borzenko, Tatiana; Buhmann, Hartmut; Kleinlein, Johannes; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nanotechnology, 34(20), p. 205302. IOP Publishing, 2023.
  • Topological band inversion in HgTe(001): Surface and bulk signatures from photoemission. Vidal, Raphael C.; Marini, Giovanni; Lunczer, Lukas; Moser, Simon; Fürst, Lena; Issing, Julia; Jozwiak, Chris; Bostwick, Aaron; Rotenberg, Eli; Gould, Charles; Buhmann, Hartmut; Beugeling, Wouter; Sangiovanni, Giorgio; Di Sante, Domenico; Profeta, Gianni; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Bentmann, Hendrik; Reinert, Friedrich. In Phys. Rev. B, 107(12), p. L121102. American Physical Society, 2023.

  • Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of Hafnium Oxide for Gating Applications. Shekhar, Pragya; Shamim, Saquib; Hartinger, Simon; Schlereth, Raimund; Hock, Volkmar; Buhmann, Hartmut; Kleinlein, Johannes; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In {ACS} Applied Materials {\&}amp$\mathsemicolon$ Interfaces, 14(29), pp. 33960–33967. American Chemical Society ({ACS}), 2022.
  • Counterpropagating topological and quantum Hall edge channels. Shamim, Saquib; Shekhar, Pragya; Beugeling, Wouter; Böttcher, Jan; Budewitz, Andreas; Mayer, Julian-Benedikt; Lunczer, Lukas; Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nature Communications, 13(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2022.

  • Massive and Topological Surface States in Tensile-Strained {HgTe}. Mahler, David M.; Müller, Valentin L.; Thienel, Cornelius; Wiedenmann, Jonas; Beugeling, Wouter; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nano Letters, 21(23), pp. 9869–9874. American Chemical Society ({ACS}), 2021.
  • Electron{\textendash}Hole Scattering Limited Transport of Dirac Fermions in a Topological Insulator. Müller, Valentin L.; Yan, Yuan; Kashuba, Oleksiy; Trauzettel, Björn; Abdelghany, Mohamed; Kleinlein, Johannes; Beugeling, Wouter; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nano Letters. American Chemical Society ({ACS}), 2021.

  • Selective area grown ZnTe nanowires as the basis for quasi-one-dimensional CdTe-HgTe multishell heterostructures. Hajer, J.; Mantei, W.; Kessel, M.; Brüne, C.; Wenner, S.; van Helvoort, A. T. J.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. Materials, 4(6), p. 066001. American Physical Society, 2020.
  • Band edge thermometry for the {MBE} growth of (Hg,Cd)Te-based materials. Schlereth, R.; Hajer, J.; Fürst, L.; Schreyeck, S.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Journal of Crystal Growth, 537, p. 125602. Elsevier {BV}, 2020.
  • Dynamical Separation of Bulk and Edge Transport in HgTe-Based 2D Topological Insulators. Dartiailh, Matthieu C.; Hartinger, Simon; Gourmelon, Alexandre; Bendias, Kalle; Bartolomei, Hugo; Kamata, Hiroshi; Berroir, Jean-Marc; Fève, Gwendal; Pla\ifmmode \mboxç\else \c{c}\fi{}ais, Bernard; Lunczer, Lukas; Schlereth, Raimund; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Bocquillon, Erwann. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 124(7), p. 076802. American Physical Society, 2020.
  • Emergent quantum Hall effects below 50 mT in a two-dimensional topological insulator. Shamim, S.; Beugeling, W.; Böttcher, J.; Shekhar, P.; Budewitz, A.; Leubner, P.; Lunczer, L.; Hankiewicz, E.M.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Science Advances, 6(26), p. eaba4625. 2020.

  • How to measure the entropy of a mesoscopic system via thermoelectric transport. Kleeorin, Yaakov; Thierschmann, Holger; Buhmann, Hartmut; Georges, Antoine; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Meir, Yigal. In Nature Communications, 10(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2019.
  • Interacting topological edge channels. Strunz, Jonas; Wiedenmann, Jonas; Fleckenstein, Christoph; Lunczer, Lukas; Beugeling, Wouter; Müller, Valentin L.; Shekhar, Pragya; Ziani, Niccol{{ò}} Traverso; Shamim, Saquib; Kleinlein, Johannes; Buhmann, Hartmut; Trauzettel, Björn; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nature Physics. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2019.
  • Interplay of Dirac Nodes and Volkov-Pankratov Surface States in Compressively Strained HgTe. Mahler, David M.; Mayer, Julian-Benedikt; Leubner, Philipp; Lunczer, Lukas; Di Sante, Domenico; Sangiovanni, Giorgio; Thomale, Ronny; Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.; Buhmann, Hartmut; Gould, Charles; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Phys. Rev. X, 9(3), p. 031034. American Physical Society, 2019.
  • Proximity-Induced Superconductivity in {CdTe}{\textendash}{HgTe} Core{\textendash}Shell Nanowires. Hajer, Jan; Kessel, Maximilian; Brüne, Christoph; Stehno, Martin P.; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nano Letters, 19(6), pp. 4078–4082. American Chemical Society ({ACS}), 2019.
  • Residual strain in free-standing CdTe nanowires overgrown with HgTe. Kessel, Maximilian; Lunczer, Lukas; Tarakina, Nadezda V.; Brüne, Christoph; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Appl. Phys. Lett., 114(15), p. 153104-. American Institute of Physics, 2019.
  • Magnetoresistance in the in-plane magnetic field induced semimetallic phase of inverted HgTe quantum wells. Khouri, T.; Pezzini, S.; Bendias, M.; Leubner, P.; Zeitler, U.; Hussey, N. E.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Titov, M.; Wiedmann, S. In Phys. Rev. B, 99(7), p. 075303. American Physical Society, 2019.

  • High Mobility {HgTe} Microstructures for Quantum Spin Hall Studies. Bendias, Kalle; Shamim, Saquib; Herrmann, Oliver; Budewitz, Andreas; Shekhar, Pragya; Leubner, Philipp; Kleinlein, Johannes; Bocquillon, Erwann; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nano Letters, 18(8), pp. 4831–4836. American Chemical Society ({ACS}), 2018.
  • Microwave Studies of the Fractional Josephson Effect in HgTe-Based Josephson Junctions. Bocquillon, E; Wiedenmann, J; Deacon, R. S.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Topological Matter. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, 190, pp. 115–148. 2018.

  • Interplay of Chiral and Helical States in a Quantum Spin Hall Insulator Lateral Junction. Calvo, M. R.; de Juan, F.; Ilan, R.; Fox, E. J.; Bestwick, A. J.; Mühlbauer, M.; Wang, J.; Ames, C.; Leubner, P.; Brüne, C.; Zhang, S. C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Goldhaber-Gordon, D. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 119(22), p. 226401. American Physical Society, 2017.
  • Observation of Volkov-Pankratov states in topological HgTe heterojunctions using high-frequency compressibility. Inhofer, A.; Tchoumakov, S.; Assaf, B. A.; Fève, G.; Berroir, J. M.; Jouffrey, V.; Carpentier, D.; Goerbig, M. O.; Pla\ifmmode \mboxç\else \c{c}\fi{}ais, B.; Bendias, K.; Mahler, D. M.; Bocquillon, E.; Schlereth, R.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 96(19), p. 195104. American Physical Society, 2017.
  • Transport spectroscopy of induced superconductivity in the three-dimensional topological insulator HgTe. Wiedenmann, Jonas; Liebhaber, Eva; Kübert, Johannes; Bocquillon, Erwann; Burset, Pablo; Ames, Christopher; Buhmann, Hartmut; Klapwijk, Teun M.; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Phys. Rev. B, 96(16), p. 165302. American Physical Society, 2017.
  • Controlled finite momentum pairing and spatially varying order parameter in proximitized {HgTe} quantum wells. Hart, Sean; Ren, Hechen; Kosowsky, Michael; Ben-Shach, Gilad; Leubner, Philipp; Brüne, Christoph; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Halperin, Bertrand I.; Yacoby, Amir. In Nature Physics, 13(1), pp. 87–93. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2017.
  • CdTe-HgTe core-shell nanowire growth controlled by RHEED. Kessel, M.; Hajer, J.; Karczewski, G.; Schumacher, C.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. Materials, 1(2), p. 023401. American Physical Society, 2017.
  • Observation of the universal magnetoelectric effect in a 3D topological insulator. Dziom, V.; Shuvaev, A.; Pimenov, A.; Astakhov, G. V.; Ames, C.; Bendias, K.; Böttcher, J.; Tkachov, G.; Hankiewicz, E. M.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Nature Communications, 8(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2017.
  • Josephson Radiation from Gapless Andreev Bound States in HgTe-Based Topological Junctions. Deacon, R. S.; Wiedenmann, J.; Bocquillon, E.; Dom\’{\i}nguez, F.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Leubner, P.; Brüne, C.; Hankiewicz, E. M.; Tarucha, S.; Ishibashi, K.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. X, 7(2), p. 021011. American Physical Society, 2017.
  • Electron–hole asymmetry of the topological surface states in strained HgTe. Jost, Andreas; Bendias, Michel; Böttcher, Jan; Hankiewicz, Ewelina; Brüne, Christoph; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Maan, Jan C.; Zeitler, Uli; Hussey, Nigel; Steffen, Wiedmann. In PNAS, 9(13), pp. 3381–3386. 2017.

  • Thermoelectrics with Coulomb-coupled quantum dots. Thierschmann, Holger; S{{á}}nchez, Rafael; Sothmann, Björn; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Comptes Rendus Physique, 17(10), pp. 1109–1122. Elsevier {BV}, 2016.
  • Anisotropic and strong negative magnetoresistance in the three-dimensional topological insulator ${\mathrm{Bi}}_{2}{\mathrm{Se}}_{3}$. Wiedmann, S.; Jost, A.; Fauqué, B.; van Dijk, J.; Meijer, M. J.; Khouri, T.; Pezzini, S.; Grauer, S.; Schreyeck, S.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Hussey, N. E. In Phys. Rev. B, 94(8), p. 081302. American Physical Society, 2016.
  • Strain Engineering of the Band Gap of HgTe Quantum Wells Using Superlattice Virtual Substrates. Leubner, Philipp; Lunczer, Lukas; Brüne, Christoph; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 117(8), p. 086403. American Physical Society, 2016.
  • Gapless Andreev bound states in the quantum spin Hall insulator {HgTe}. Bocquillon, Erwann; Deacon, Russell S.; Wiedenmann, Jonas; Leubner, Philipp; Klapwijk, Teunis M.; Brüne, Christoph; Ishibashi, Koji; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nature Nanotechnology, 12(2), pp. 137–143. Springer Nature, 2016.
  • High-temperature quantum Hall effect in finite gapped HgTe quantum wells. Khouri, T.; Bendias, M.; Leubner, P.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Zeitler, U.; Hussey, N. E.; Wiedmann, S. In Phys. Rev. B, 93(12), p. 125308. American Physical Society, 2016.
  • 4$\uppi$-periodic Josephson supercurrent in {HgTe}-based topological Josephson junctions. Wiedenmann, J.; Bocquillon, E.; Deacon, R. S.; Hartinger, S.; Herrmann, O.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Maier, L.; Ames, C.; Brüne, C.; Gould, C.; Oiwa, A.; Ishibashi, K.; Tarucha, S.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Nature Communications, 7(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2016.

  • Thermoelectric efficiency in the linear transport regime. Eltschka, Christopher; Thierschmann, Holger; Buhmann, Hartmut; Siewert, Jens. In physica status solidi (a), 213(3), pp. 626–634. Wiley, 2015.
  • Thermal control and generation of charge currents in coupled quantum dots. Thierschmann, Holger; Arnold, Fabian; Mittermüller, Marcel; Maier, Luis; Heyn, Christian; Hansen, Wolfang; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In physica status solidi (a), 213(3), pp. 582–590. Wiley, 2015.
  • Thermal gating of charge currents with Coulomb coupled quantum dots. Thierschmann, H; Arnold, F; Mittermüller, M; Maier, L; Heyn, C; Hansen, W; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L W. In New Journal of Physics, 17, p. 113003. 2015.
  • Rashba Effect and Beating Patterns in the THz Magneto-Photoresponse of a HgTe-Based Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Pakmehr, M.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; McCombe, B. D. In Selected Topics in Electronics and Systems, 56, pp. 67–73. 2015.
  • Phase-sensitive {SQUIDs} based on the 3D topological insulator {HgTe}. Maier, L; Bocquillon, E; Grimm, M; Oostinga, J B; Ames, C; Gould, C; Brüne, C; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L W. In Physica Scripta, T164, p. 014002. {IOP} Publishing, 2015.
  • Observation of Thermoelectric Voltages from the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas of a HgTe Quantum Well Due to Resonant THz Laser Heating. Pakmehr, Mehdi; McCombe, B. D.; Bruene, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Journal of Electronic Materials, 44(10), pp. 3598–3602. 2015.
  • Three-terminal energy harvester with coupled quantum dots. Thierschmann, Holger; S{{á}}nchez, Rafael; Sothmann, Björn; Arnold, Fabian; Heyn, Christian; Hansen, Wolfgang; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Nature Nanotechnology, 10(10), pp. 854–858. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2015.
  • Unexpected edge conduction in mercury telluride quantum wells under broken time-reversal symmetry. Ma, Eric Yue; Calvo, M. Reyes; Wang, Jing; Lian, Biao; Mühlbauer, Mathias; Brüne, Christoph; Cui, Yong-Tao; Lai, Keji; Kundhikanjana, Worasom; Yang, Yongliang; Baenninger, Matthias; König, Markus; Ames, Christopher; Buhmann, Hartmut; Leubner, Philipp; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Zhang, Shou-Cheng; Goldhaber-Gordon, David; Kelly, Michael A.; Shen, Zhi-Xun. In Nature Communications, 6(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2015.
  • Temperature-driven transition from a semiconductor to a topological insulator. Wiedmann, Steffen; Jost, Andreas; Thienel, Cornelius; Brüne, Christoph; Leubner, Philipp; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Maan, J. C.; Zeitler, Uli. In Phys. Rev. B, 91(20), p. 205311. American Physical Society, 2015.
  • Nonsinusoidal Current-Phase Relationship in Josephson Junctions from the 3D Topological Insulator HgTe. Sochnikov, Ilya; Maier, Luis; Watson, Christopher A.; Kirtley, John R.; Gould, Charles; Tkachov, Grigory; Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.; Brüne, Christoph; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Moler, Kathryn A. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 114(6), p. 066801. American Physical Society, 2015.

  • Landau levels and spin splitting in the two-dimensional electron gas of a HgTe quantum well near the critical width for the topological phase transition. Pakmehr, M.; Bruene, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Stier, A. V.; McCombe, B. D. In Phys. Rev. B, 90(23), p. 235414. American Physical Society, 2014.
  • Dirac-Screening Stabilized Surface-State Transport in a Topological Insulator. Brüne, Christoph; Thienel, Cornelius; Stuiber, Michael; Böttcher, Jan; Buhmann, Hartmut; Novik, Elena G.; Liu, Chao-Xing; Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Phys. Rev. X, 4(4), p. 041045. American Physical Society, 2014.
  • Induced superconductivity in the quantum spin Hall edge. Hart, Sean; Ren, Hechen; Wagner, Timo; Leubner, Philipp; Mühlbauer, Mathias; Brüne, Christoph; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Yacoby, Amir. In Nature Physics, 10(9), pp. 638–643. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2014.
  • Suppressing Twin Formation in Bi2Se3Thin Films. Tarakina, N. V.; Schreyeck, S.; Luysberg, M.; Grauer, S.; Schumacher, C.; Karczewski, G.; Brunner, K.; Gould, C.; Buhmann, H.; Dunin-Borkowski, R. E.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1(5), p. 1400134. Wiley, 2014.
  • One-Dimensional Weak Antilocalization Due to the Berry Phase in HgTe Wires. Mühlbauer, M.; Budewitz, A.; Büttner, B.; Tkachov, G.; Hankiewicz, E. M.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 112(14), p. 146803. American Physical Society, 2014.
  • Spin Texture of ${\mathrm{Bi}}_{2}{\mathrm{Se}}_{3}$ Thin Films in the Quantum Tunneling Limit. Landolt, Gabriel; Schreyeck, Steffen; Eremeev, Sergey V.; Slomski, Bartosz; Muff, Stefan; Osterwalder, Jürg; Chulkov, Evgueni V.; Gould, Charles; Karczewski, Grzegorz; Brunner, Karl; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Dil, J. Hugo. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 112(5), p. 057601. American Physical Society, 2014.

  • Diffusion thermopower of a serial double quantum dot. Thierschmann, H; Henke, M; Knorr, J; Maier, L; Heyn, C; Hansen, W; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L W. In New Journal of Physics, 15, p. 123010. 2013.
  • Quantum Spin Hall State in HgTe. Brüne, C; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L W. In Contemporary Concepts of Condensed Matter Science, 6, pp. 125–142. 2013.
  • Room temperature electrically tunable terahertz Faraday effect. Shuvaev, A; Pimenov, A; Astakhov, G. V.; Mühlbauer, M; Brüne, C; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L. W. In Appl. Phys. Lett., 102(24), p. 241902-. American Institute of Physics, 2013.
  • Imaging currents in {HgTe} quantum wells in the quantum spin Hall regime. Nowack, Katja C.; Spanton, Eric M.; Baenninger, Matthias; König, Markus; Kirtley, John R.; Kalisky, Beena; Ames, C.; Leubner, Philipp; Brüne, Christoph; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Goldhaber-Gordon, David; Moler, Kathryn A. In Nature Materials, 12(9), pp. 787–791. Springer Nature, 2013.
  • Josephson Supercurrent through the Topological Surface States of Strained Bulk HgTe. Oostinga, Jeroen B.; Maier, Luis; Schüffelgen, Peter; Knott, Daniel; Ames, Christopher; Brüne, Christoph; Tkachov, Grigory; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Phys. Rev. X, 3(2), p. 021007. American Physical Society, 2013.
  • Spatially Resolved Study of Backscattering in the Quantum Spin Hall State. König, Markus; Baenninger, Matthias; Garcia, Andrei G. F.; Harjee, Nahid; Pruitt, Beth L.; Ames, C.; Leubner, Philipp; Brüne, Christoph; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Goldhaber-Gordon, David. In Phys. Rev. X, 3(2), p. 021003. American Physical Society, 2013.
  • Terahertz quantum Hall effect of Dirac fermions in a topological insulator. Shuvaev, A. M.; Astakhov, G. V.; Tkachov, G.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Pimenov, A. In Phys. Rev. B, 87(12), p. 121104. American Physical Society, 2013.
  • Molecular beam epitaxy of high structural quality Bi2Se3 on lattice matched InP(111) substrates. Schreyeck, S; Tarakina, N. V.; Karczewski, G; Schumacher, C; Borzenko, T; Brüne, C; Buhmann, H; Gould, C; Brunner, K; Molenkamp, L. W. In Appl. Phys. Lett., 102(4), p. 041914-. American Institute of Physics, 2013.

  • Induced Superconductivity in the Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator HgTe. Maier, Luis; Oostinga, Jeroen B.; Knott, Daniel; Brüne, Christoph; Virtanen, Pauli; Tkachov, Grigory; Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.; Gould, Charles; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 109(18), p. 186806. American Physical Society, 2012.
  • Fabrication of samples for scanning probe experiments on quantum spin Hall effect in HgTe quantum wells. Baenninger, M; König, M; Garcia, A. G. F.; Mühlbauer, M; Ames, C; Leubner, P; Brüne, C; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L. W.; Goldhaber-Gordon, D. In Journal of Applied Physics, 112(10), p. 103713-. American Institute of Physics, 2012.
  • Spin polarization of the quantum spin Hall edge states. Brüne, Christoph; Roth, Andreas; Buhmann, Hartmut; Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Maciejko, Joseph; Qi, Xiao-Liang; Zhang, Shou-Cheng. In Nature Physics, 8(6), pp. 485–490. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2012.
  • Comparative Study of the Microstructure of Bi2Se3 Thin Films Grown on Si(111) and {InP}(111) Substrates. Tarakina, N. V.; Schreyeck, S.; Borzenko, T.; Schumacher, C.; Karczewski, G.; Brunner, K.; Gould, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Crystal Growth {\&} Design, 12(4), pp. 1913–1918. American Chemical Society ({ACS}), 2012.
  • Terahertz magneto-optical spectroscopy in HgTe thin films. Shuvaev, A M; Astakhov, G V; Brüne, C; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L W; Pimenov, A. In Semiconductor Science and Technology, 27, p. 124004. 2012.

  • The quantum spin Hall effect. Buhmann, Hartmut. In Journal of Applied Physics, 109(10), bl 102409-. American Institute of Physics, 2011.
  • The detection of terahertz waves by semimetallic and by semiconducting materials. Gouider, F; Nachtwei, G; Brüne, C; Buhmann, H; Vasilyev, Yu. B.; Salman, M; Könemann, J; Buckle, P. D. In Journal of Applied Physics, 109(1), bl 013106-. American Institute of Physics, 2011.
  • Surface State Charge Dynamics of a High-Mobility Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator. Hancock, Jason N.; van Mechelen, J. L. M.; Kuzmenko, Alexey B.; van der Marel, Dirk; Brüne, Christoph; Novik, Elena G.; Astakhov, Georgy V.; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 107(13), bl 136803. American Physical Society, 2011.
  • Single valley Dirac fermions in zero-gap {HgTe} quantum wells. Büttner, B.; Liu, C. X.; Tkachov, G.; Novik, E. G.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Hankiewicz, E. M.; Recher, P.; Trauzettel, B.; Zhang, S. C.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Nature Physics, 7(5), bll 418–422. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2011.
  • Quantum Hall Effect from the Topological Surface States of Strained Bulk HgTe. Brüne, C.; Liu, C. X.; Novik, E. G.; Hankiewicz, E. M.; Buhmann, H.; Chen, Y. L.; Qi, X. L.; Shen, Z. X.; Zhang, S. C.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 106(12), bl 126803. American Physical Society, 2011.
  • Giant Magneto-Optical Faraday Effect in HgTe Thin Films in the Terahertz Spectral Range. Shuvaev, A. M.; Astakhov, G. V.; Pimenov, A.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 106(10), bl 107404. American Physical Society, 2011.
  • Fine structure of zero-mode Landau levels in HgTe/Hg${}_{x}$Cd${}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}$Te quantum wells. Orlita, M.; Masztalerz, K.; Faugeras, C.; Potemski, M.; Novik, E. G.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 83(11), bl 115307. American Physical Society, 2011.
  • Backscattering of Dirac Fermions in HgTe Quantum Wells with a Finite Gap. Tkachov, G.; Thienel, C.; Pinneker, V.; Büttner, B.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Hankiewicz, E. M. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 106(7), bl 076802. American Physical Society, 2011.

  • Terahertz photoconductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas in {HgCdTe}/{HgTe} quantum wells. Vasilyev, Yu. B.; Gouider, F.; Bug{{á}}r, M.; Nachtwei, G.; Könemann, J.; Brüne, C.; Buhmann, H. In physica status solidi (b), 247(6), pp. 1495–1497. Wiley, 2010.
  • Quantum tunneling through planar p–n junctions in HgTe quantum wells. Zhang, L B; Chang, K; Xie, X C; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L W. In New Journal of Physics, 12, p. 083058. 2010.
  • Magnetotransport and THz-Optical Investigations at Devices with HgTe Quantum Wells. Gouider, F.; Vasilyev, Y. B.; Bug{á}r, M.; K{ö}nemann, J.; Br{ü}ne, C.; Buhmann, H.; Nachtwei, G. In Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 159(1), pp. 184–188. 2010.
  • Evidence for the ballistic intrinsic spin Hall effect in HgTe nanostructures. Brüne, C.; Roth, A.; Novik, E. G.; König, M.; Buhmann, H.; Hankiewicz, E. M.; Hanke, W.; Sinova, J.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Nature Physics, 6, pp. 448–454. Nature Publishing Group, 2010.
  • Evidence for the ballistic intrinsic spin Hall effect in {HgTe} nanostructures. Brüne, C.; Roth, A.; Novik, E. G.; König, M.; Buhmann, H.; Hankiewicz, E. M.; Hanke, W.; Sinova, J.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Nature Physics, 6(6), pp. 448–454. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2010.
  • Circular photogalvanic effect in HgTe/CdHgTe quantum well structures. Wittmann, B; Danilov, S N; Bel’kov, V V; Dvoretsky, S A; Vinh, N Q; van der Meer, A F G; Murdin, B; Ganichev, S D; Tarasenko, S A; Novik, E G; Buhmann, H; Brüne, C; Molenkamp, L W; Kvon, Z D; Mikhailov, N N. In Semiconductor Science and Technology, 25, p. 095005. 2010.

  • Spin Hall Effects in HgTe Quantum Well Structures. Buhmann, Hartmut. In International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23(12n13), pp. 2551–2555. 2009.
  • Nonlocal Transport in the Quantum Spin Hall State. Roth, Andreas; Br{ü}ne, Christoph; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Maciejko, Joseph; Qi, Xiao-Liang; Zhang, Shou-Cheng. In Science, 325(5938), pp. 294–297. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2009.
  • Nonlinear magnetogyrotropic photogalvanic effect. Diehl, H.; Shalygin, V. A.; Golub, L. E.; Tarasenko, S. A.; Danilov, S. N.; Bel’kov, V. V.; Novik, E. G.; Buhmann, H.; Brüne, C.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Ivchenko, E. L.; Ganichev, S. D. In Phys. Rev. B, 80(7), p. 075311. American Physical Society, 2009.

  • The Quantum Spin Hall Effect: Theory and Experiment. König, Markus; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Hughes, Taylor; Liu, Chao-Xing; Qi, Xiao-Liang; Zhang, Shou-Cheng. In Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 77(3), p. 031007. Physical Society of Japan, 2008.
  • Quantum dot as thermal rectifier. Scheibner, R; König, M; Reuter, D; Wieck, A D; Gould, C; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L W. In New Journal of Physics, 10(8), p. 083016. 2008.

  • The influence of interfaces and the modulation doping technique on the magneto-transport properties of HgTe based quantum wells. Becker, C.R.; Brüne, C.; Schäfer, M.; Roth, A.H.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica Status Solidi C, 4, p. 3382. 2007.
  • Sequential and cotunneling behavior in the temperature-dependent thermopower of few-electron quantum dots. Scheibner, R.; Novik, E. G.; Borzenko, T.; König, M.; Reuter, D.; Wieck, A. D.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 75(4), p. 041301. American Physical Society, 2007.
  • Quantum Spin Hall Insulator State in HgTe Quantum Wells. K{ö}nig, Markus; Wiedmann, Steffen; Br{ü}ne, Christoph; Roth, Andreas; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W.; Qi, Xiao-Liang; Zhang, Shou-Cheng. In Science, 318(5851), pp. 766–770. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007.
  • Phase Effects in HgTe Quantum Structures. König, M.; Buhmann, H.; Becker, C.R.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica Status Solidi C, 4, p. 3374. 2007.

  • Gate control of the giant Rashba effect in HgTe quantum wells. Hinz, J.; Buhmann, H.; Schäfer, M.; Hock, V.; Becker, C.R.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Semiconductor Science and Technology, 21(4), p. 501. 2006.
  • Exchange Interaction in Magnetic HgMnTe-Quantum Well Structures. Liu, J.; Buhmann, H.; Novik, E.G.; Gui, Y.S.; Hock, V.; Becker, C.R.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica Status Solidi B, 243, p. 835. 2006.
  • Direct Observation of the Aharonov-Casher Phase. König, M.; Tschetschetkin, A.; Hankiewicz, E. M.; Sinova, Jairo; Hock, V.; Daumer, V.; Schäfer, M.; Becker, C. R.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 96(7), p. 076804. American Physical Society, 2006.

  • Trion formation in narrow GaAs quantum well structures. Teran, F. J.; Eaves, L.; Mansouri, L.; Buhmann, H.; Maude, D. K.; Potemski, M.; Henini, M.; Hill, G. In Phys. Rev. B, 71(16), p. 161309. American Physical Society, 2005.
  • Thermopower of a Kondo Spin-Correlated Quantum Dot. Scheibner, R.; Buhmann, H.; Reuter, D.; Kiselev, M. N.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 95(17), p. 176602. American Physical Society, 2005.
  • Odd filling factor quantum Hall sequence in magnetic type-III quantum wells. Buhmann, H.; Novik, E. G.; Daumer, V.; Liu, J.; Gui, Y. S.; Becker, C. R.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Appl. Phys. Lett., 86(21), p. 212104. American Institute of Physics, 2005.
  • Band structure of semimagnetic Hg(1-y)Mn(y)Te quantum wells. Novik, E. G.; Pfeuffer-Jeschke, A.; Jungwirth, T.; Latussek, V.; Becker, C. R.; Landwehr, G.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 72(3), p. 035321. American Physical Society, 2005.

  • Low-field diffusion magnetothermopower of a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas. Maximov, S.; Gbordzoe, M.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Reuter, D. In Phys. Rev. B, 70(12), p. 121308. American Physical Society, 2004.
  • Interplay of Rashba, Zeeman and Landau splitting in a magnetic two dimensional electron gas. Gui, Y.S.; Becker, C.R.; Liu, J.; Daumer, V.; Hock, V.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Europhys. Lett., 65(3), p. 393. 2004.
  • Growth and studies of Hg(1-x)Cd(x)Te based low dimensional structures. Becker, C.R.; Ortner, K.; Zhang, X.C.; Pfeuffer-Jeschke, A.; Latussek, V.; Gui, Y.S.; Daumer, V.; Buhmann, H.; Landwehr, G.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 20(3-4), pp. 436–443. Elsevier {BV}, 2004.
  • Giant spin-orbit splitting in a HgTe quantum well. Gui, Y. S.; Becker, C. R.; Dai, N.; Liu, J.; Qiu, Z. J.; Novik, E. G.; Schäfer, M.; Shu, X. Z.; Chu, J. H.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 70(11), p. 115328. American Physical Society, 2004.
  • Current heating of a magnetic two-dimensional electron gas in Hg(1-x)Mn(x)Te∕Hg(0.3)Cd(0.7)Te quantum wells. Gui, Y. S.; Becker, C. R.; Liu, J.; König, M.; Daumer, V.; Kiselev, M. N.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 70(19), p. 195328. American Physical Society, 2004.

  • Relaxation of high-energy quasiparticle distributions: Electron-electron scattering in a two-dimensional electron gas. Gurzhi, R. N.; Kopeliovich, A. I.; Kalinenko, A. N.; Yanovsky, A. V.; Bogachek, E. N.; Landman, Uzi; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 68(16), p. 165318. American Physical Society, 2003.
  • Quasiballistic transport in HgTe quantum-well nanostructures. Daumer, V; Golombek, I; Gbordzoe, M; Novik, E. G.; Hock, V; Becker, C. R.; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L. W. In Appl. Phys. Lett., 83(7), pp. 1376–1378. American Institute of Physics, 2003.
  • Electron-beam propagation in a two-dimensional electron gas. Novik, E. G.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 67(24), p. 245302. American Physical Society, 2003.
  • Competition Between Rashba Effect and Exchange Interaction in a Hg(0.98)Mn(0.02)Te Magnetic 2DEG. Liu, J.; Daumer, V.; Gui, Y. S.; Hock, V.; Becker, C. R.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Journal of Superconductivity, 16(2), pp. 365–368. 2003.

  • Spectroscopical imaging of electron scattering in two-dimensional conductors. Yanovsky, A.V.; Predel, H.; Buhmann, H.; Gurzhi, R.N.; Kalinenko, A.N.; Kopeliovich, A.I.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 12(1-4), pp. 241–243. Elsevier {BV}, 2002.
  • {MBE} growth and characterization of Hg based compounds and heterostructures. Becker, C.R; Zhang, X.C; Ortner, K; Schmidt, J; Pfeuffer-Jeschke, A; Latussek, V; Gui, Y.S; Daumer, V; Liu, J; Buhmann, H; Landwehr, G; Molenkamp, L.W. In Thin Solid Films, 412(1-2), pp. 129–138. Elsevier {BV}, 2002.
  • Large Rashba spin-orbit splitting in gate controlled n-type modulation doped HgTe/Hg(0.3)Cd(0.7-x)Mn(x)Te quantum wells. Gui, Y.S.; Liu, J.; Daumer, V.; Becker, C.R.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 12(1-4), pp. 416–419. Elsevier {BV}, 2002.
  • Growth and Magneto-Transport of Gate Controlled n Type HgTe/Hg(0.3)Cd(0.7)Te Quantum Wells with Inclusion of Mn. Becker, C.R.; Gui, Y.S.; Liu, J.; Daumer, V.; Ortner, K.; Hock, V.; Pfeuffer-Jeschke, A.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica Status Solidi B, 229(2), pp. 775–779. 2002.
  • Electron-wave diffraction by density inhomogeneities in two-dimensional electron gas. Novik, E.G.; Buhmann, H.; Maximov, S.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 12(1-4), pp. 237–240. Elsevier {BV}, 2002.
  • 1D diffusion: a novel transport regime in narrow 2DEG channels. Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 12(1-4), pp. 715–718. Elsevier {BV}, 2002.

  • Rashba splitting in n-type modulation-doped HgTe quantum wells with an inverted band structure. Zhang, X. C.; Pfeuffer-Jeschke, A.; Ortner, K.; Hock, V.; Buhmann, H.; Becker, C. R.; Landwehr, G. In Phys. Rev. B, 63(24), p. 245305. American Physical Society, 2001.
  • Antiferromagnetic temperature and effective spin in n-type Hg1−xMnxTe. Gui, Y. S.; Liu, J; Ortner, K; Daumer, V; Becker, C. R.; Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L. W. In Appl. Phys. Lett., 79(9), pp. 1321–1323. American Institute of Physics, 2001.
  • Angle-Resolved Spectroscopy of Electron-Electron Scattering in a 2D System. Yanovski, A.V.; Predel, H.; Buhmann, H.; Gurzhi, R.N.; Kopeliovich, A.I.; Kalinenko, A.N.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Europhysics Lett., 56(5), p. 709. 2001.

  • Thermopower of the molecular state in a double quantum dot. Chen, Xiaoshuang; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 61(24), pp. 16801–16806. American Physical Society, 2000.
  • Thermopower of quantum chaos. Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 6(1-4), pp. 400–403. Elsevier {BV}, 2000.
  • Probing the Potential Landscape Inside a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Koonen, J. J.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 84(11), pp. 2473–2476. American Physical Society, 2000.
  • New transport effects in a degenerate two-dimensional electron gas. Buhmann, H.; Gurzhi, R.N.; Kalinenko, A.N.; Kopeliovich, A.I.; Molenkamp, L.W.; Predel, H.; Yanovsky, A.V. In Physica B: Condensed Matter, 284-288, pp. 1904–1905. Elsevier {BV}, 2000.
  • Electron{\textendash}electron scattering and the propagation of electron beams in a two-dimensional electron gas. Buhmann, H; Predel, H; Molenkamp, L.W; Gurzhi, R.N; Kopeliovich, A.I; Kalinenko, A.N; Yanovsky, A.V. In Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 6(1-4), pp. 310–313. Elsevier {BV}, 2000.
  • Effects of electron-electron scattering on electron-beam propagation in a two-dimensional electron gas. Predel, H.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Gurzhi, R. N.; Kalinenko, A. N.; Kopeliovich, A. I.; Yanovsky, A. V. In Phys. Rev. B, 62(3), pp. 2057–2064. American Physical Society, 2000.

  • Thermopower of a Chaotic Quantum Dot. Godijn, S. F.; Möller, S.; Buhmann, H.; Molenkamp, L. W.; van Langen, S. A. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 82(14), pp. 2927–2930. American Physical Society, 1999.
  • On electron-electron scattering mechanisms in 2D degenerated systems. Buhmann, H.; Gurzhi, R.N.; Kalinenko, A.N.; Kopeliovich, A.I.; Molenkamp, L.W.; Yanovsky, A.V. In Nanostructured Materials, 12(5-8), pp. 835–838. Elsevier {BV}, 1999.
  • Charge fluctuations, chaotic trajectories, and the coulomb blockade. Buhmann, H.; Möller, S.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Festkörperprobleme / Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol. 38, B. Kramer (ed.), pp. 193–202. 1999.

  • On dynamic properties of a two-dimensional degenerate electron gas. Buhmann, H; Molenkamp, L. W.; Gurzhi, R. N.; Kalinenko, A. N.; Kopeliovich, A. I.; Yanovsky, A. V. In Low Temperature Physics, 24(10), pp. 737–741. American Institute of Physics, 1998.
  • Magneto-thermopower of a chaotic, ballistic quantum dot. Buhmann, H.; Möller, S.; Godijn, S.F.; Molenkamp, L.W. In Physica B: Condensed Matter, 256-258, pp. 198–202. Elsevier {BV}, 1998.
  • Classical rebound trajectories in nonlocal ballistic electron transport. Heindrichs, A. S. D.; Buhmann, H.; Godijn, S. F.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. B, 57(7), pp. 3961–3965. American Physical Society, 1998.
  • Charging Energy of a Chaotic Quantum Dot. Möller, S.; Buhmann, H.; Godijn, S. F.; Molenkamp, L. W. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 81(23), pp. 5197–5200. American Physical Society, 1998.