International Master

Study and examination regulations

General Study and Examination Regulations (ASPO)

The General Study and Examination Regulations (ASPO) of the University of Würzburg, which apply to all Bachelor and Master’s degree programs, are the basis for all legal questions relating to our study programs.

German version:

Allgemeine Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (ASPO2015)

English version: 

General Academic and Examination Regulations (ASPO)

Subject-Specific Provisions (FSB)

These general provisions are supplemented by the corresponding subject-specific provisions for the respective subject. These contain all essential regulations for the course of studies, the examinations and deadlines, the modules required to pass the course and the formation of the overall grade. The subject-specific provisions and associated amendment statutes listed below apply depending on the start of the respective studies.
The subject-specific provisions are supplemented by the course description (Appendix 1 of the subject-specific provisions). This is a list of all modules offered in the course with the assignment of the modules to the individual areas of the course (elective, final area). 

German version:

Fachspezifische Bestimmungen

English version: 

Subject-Specific Provisions

Subject Description (SFB)

The subject-specific provisions are supplemented by the course description (Appendix 1 of the subject-specific provisions). This is a list of all modules offered in the course with the assignment of the modules to the individual areas of the course (elective, final area).

German Version:


English Version:

Subject Description

Module Catalogue

Within the module handbook you will find the detailed descriptions of all modules in your degree program, in particular information on the qualification objectives and the content of the modules. The courses, types of examinations, information on how to acquire ECTS points etc. are also included in the module handbook:

German Version:


Bereichsgegliedertes Modulhandbuch

English Version:

Module Catalogue

Subdivided Module Catalogue