Deutsch Intern
Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie


Applications are invited for a

Junior Professorship of grade W1 with tenure-track on a University professorship of grade W2 for

Quantum Information and Gravity


at the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Julius Maximilians University Würzburg. The junior professorship is to be filled on a temporary basis as a civil servant for an initial period of three years. The temporary civil service relationship is to be extended on probation for a total duration of up to six years. The tenure and appointment as a University professor of grade W2 in a civil servant relationship for life shall only be granted if the junior professor has proven their skills in accordance with the University's internal quality assurance concept. This tenure-track professorship is funded by theBund-Länder Programm for the Promotion of Young Academics (Tenure-Track Program).


We welcome applications from excellent and internationally renowned candidates (m/f/d) in the field of Theoretical Physics, in particular in the area of “Quantum Information and Gravity”,in order to further strengthen or complement the faculty’s research activities and those of the Dresden-Würzburg Centerof Excellencect.qmat. The research interests of the successful applicant will focus on establishing and exploring connections between quantum information and gravity. Relativistic quantum field theory, quantum gravity, tensor networks, non-equilibrium dynamics or foundations of machine learning may play an important role. We envision that the specific research area of the successful candidate enriches the faculty’s existing research program in terms of research topics and methods and provides new possibilities for interdisciplinary collaboration between different branches of physics.

The appointee is expected to lead, support and develop education and training in the entire curriculum of theoretical physics, engaging with both undergraduate and graduate students. We particularly welcome teaching activities and lectures in the areas of quantum information and tensor networks, quantum field theory, general relativity and string theory, or artificial intelligence and machine learning. Applicants should have a track record of publishing in international peer-reviewed journals and demonstrated competence in defining research projects and attracting research funding.

Requirements for employment are a University degree in physics or a related discipline, pedagogical aptitude and a special qualification for scientific work, which is usually proven by a doctoral degree of excellent quality (cf. Art. 14 sentence 1 BayHSchPG). Applicants for a tenure track position should be at an early stage of the way to a professorship and should have changed University after completing their doctorate or, if the doctoral degree was received by the JMU, they should have worked scientifically at least two years outside JMU. If employment as a research assistant took place before or after the doctorate, the time span that was needed for the doctorate and the further employment together should not exceed six years (cf. Art. 14 sentence 3 BayHSchPG).

The University of Würzburg is an equal opportunities and family-friendly employer. In order to increase the number of women in leading positions, we particularly encourage women to apply.

Severely disabled applicants will be given preference if they are otherwise equally qualified.

Please submit your complete application documents per Email till 30.06.2022.

If you have any technical questions, please contact Prof. Trauzettel (, +49 931 31-83638). Of you have any questions about the application process, please contact Dr. Spanheimer (, +49 931 31-803076).

Download Application Guidelines.
Download record-sheet.