Padraig Davidson Anomaly Detection in Beehives using Deep Recurrent Autoencoders Precision beekeeping allows to monitor bees’ living conditions by equipping beehives with sensors. The data recorded by these hives can be analyzed by machine learning models to learn behavioral patterns of or search for unusual events in bee colonies. One typical target is the early detection of bee swarming as apiarists want to avoid this due to economical reasons. Advanced methods should be able to detect any other unusual or abnormal behavior arising from illness of bees or from technical reasons, e.g. sensor failure. In this position paper we present an autoencoder, a deep learning model, which detects any type of anomaly in data independent of its origin. Our model is able to reveal the same swarms as a simple rule-based swarm detection algorithm but is also triggered by any other anomaly. We evaluated our model on real world datasets that were collected on different hives and with different sensor setups.